Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

i check and couldnt find iphone support

thats why i ask you

can you tell if it has or not plz
Probably do you mean some module extension?
what i ask if in the template features can i change your template to iphone layout?

thanks in advance
You can use the following extension to mobilize any of our templates:
Hello, how I activate the dropdown-menu in the 2032-premium?
Please see the following page, step 7:
Hi,I am putting a background image and a top menu background image and it shows in the front page and in all pages of the menu but in the sub categories of the menu it shows a white page.Can you give me a suggestion?
Sorry, in this case we don't have any suggestions, it should be checked, so if you are interested in our services please contact us by email or using Contact Us page.
Hello, I want to quit, the background color in ”Main Column - Row 4”, but in the section ”Main Column Configuration Parameters”, I can't put this value to none, or quit, How Can I do it?

Hello, How can I put background image in the home (content section) and other pages of the site?
This template doesn't have such options, you should edit css files.
Can you please tell me how to change the slider height ? Which files must I change (css, png , etc...) ?
It depends on the template version, you have to look in css files.
I have template AS002032 Premium for joomla 1.7.
you have to look in as002032/slider/css/slider.css file
I want use the same border of the image from 002032 premium template
In the contact section, how I can show the contact form visible as default.

Because this form is hidden until you click in the link.

You have to do it in:
Components - Contacts - Contact Us - Display Options - Display Format.
Thank You, maybe in the future, currently we have online documentation only.
For the Premium version of all templates it would be super helpful to have the positions, parameters and How To in a PDF.
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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