Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support


I think the problem is the AS NIVO SLider.

How can I setup the Slider from the Template?

greetings Sascha
Hello again,

can I send you an Mail with photos of the problems?

I have disabled the nivo slider but my side is not working. Your Demo Page works fine.

Greetings Sascha
In the latest version we are using Art Slider, because the AS Nivo slider is not a responsive slider, our suggestion is install template using quick-start installation package, after installing this package your site will look exact like our demo page and it will be easy for you to preview all parameters and settings and make changes in the content.

Regards, AS Team.
Everyone knows what rollover images are! ...or mouseover. They are in position-6 on the front page. (they look like monitors with a big red PLAY button on them.)

The main images have Rollover images which behave perfectly in editing mode but won't work on the site. Is there something in the template precluding rollover images?

If you use a media editor like JCE editor there is a tab option called "Rollover" to insert another image so when (I can't believe I have to explain this!) the cursor, driven by the mouse, moves over it, the rollover image appears. It has always worked for me before in Joomla.

Is there something in the template precluding rollover images?
Our default template doesn't have such images, as result it doesn't have css for such images. You have to create your own css and put it in the style.custom.css file or you can ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.

the problem is the as nivo slider :(.

Where I have to put in the images? In Nivo Slider there is a option where you can choose your IMages.

Do you have a description?

greetings Sascha
Yes, the AS Nivo slider has such option, the images you can put in the 'Slider Images Configuration' panel.
As we told you in the previous email, the template is coming with AS Art Slider, it is not designed to work with AS Nivo slider.

Regards, AS Team.
Hallo AS-Team.
It is possible to influence the time of module News Show Pro GK4?
So, Yes, where can I find that?
Thanks for your response. After two attempts you are still not clear on the question I was asking. Rollover (mouseover) images have been around since the beginning of the internet. They are incorporated in every webpage image editor known to man. Let me ask the question again:

I am creating rollover images with JCE mutilmedia editor. The rollover images don't appear when I use you template but they work perfectly well in editing mode. Now...please read carefully...her come the question for the third time...Is there a setting in your template that I need to change to allow your template to recognise rollover images?

If you still don't understand the question I suggest you find someone who does. Please and thank you.
We are sorry, the template doesn't have such settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again,

yes I know. But do you have a description how to use the AS-ArtSlider? I do not know where I have to put the images.

Greetings Sascha
The extension allows you to display article's intro image with the article title and intro text. If you installed the template using quick-start package you can easy preview it, or you can see all available extension parameters here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

thanks. Now I have the next question. how can I autofit the images for mobile devices? On your Demopage it is no problem. The Picture autofits but not on my side.

I can only see a small part of the picture when I open it on my mobile Device.

Greeting Sascha
It can be done by installing the template using quick-start package, if by some reason you don't want install it on your live server you can install it in some demo folder or demo server and then preview all parameters and settings.

Regards, AS Team.
hello ASTeam,

I have found the setting under additional settings-interval time. So that problem is solved. But I have another problem. When I click on the picture in The News Show Pro, the featured info from the homepage still present.
In this case you have to create menu items for each of your articles.

Regards, AS Team.
Just installed and got this error..
Notice: Undefined variable: frontpage_con in /home//public_html/TEA/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/gk_classes/gk.source.joomla.php on line 163

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ID in /home//public_html/TEA/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/gk_classes/gk.source.joomla.php on line 176

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$access in /home//public_html/TEA/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/gk_classes/gk.source.joomla.php on line 177
You don't need to worry about these notices, in your Joomla admin panel -> Global Configurations -> Server change the Error Reporting parameter to 'none'.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,
I do not understand at all why there should be a menu item for a character of the mod_news_pro_gk4. For example the figure of Bob Marly has nowhere a menu item and also the other figurines have no menu item.
Probably see I overlook something. But the information is neatly on the page, without the slider and directly under the main menu.

We just answering on your question, if you installed the template using quick-start installation package you can see menu called 'Team' with 4 menu items, all these items points to articles used in the mod_news_pro_gk4 module.

Regards, AS Team.
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