Joomla! Template 002034 - Item Support

In module position 5 is published single module article, it is the same article like in the content, the page content can be removed by editing home menu item, as an example please see English Home menu item, we changed its type to Featured Articles and set layout articles to zero.

Regards, AS Team.
many thanks, problem solved.
The problem came with the multilanguage page and this was not easy to understand.
By the way, the slider for the 3 people picture is only working if an article for this picture exists (and is not disabled). I think, the idea is to have an article beside to a coresponding picture.

Is there a document or blog where i can check this?

Best regards
Just checked your website, the slider looks fine, we do not see any problems with it. The slider documentation you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello together,
my homepages looks very well with a different background picture which does not go from black to white. It goes from black to grey.
With standard screen resolution (1920x1080) or handy everything is fine, but with a 4K monitor I have a thick white border (30 mm) at the bottom.
You can see the problem at my test page

How to enlarge the background picture to higher amount of screen pixel? To make the picture longer does not help.
Or how to use a background color "behind" the background picture so the white border?

Best regards
Burkhard Panier
You can set your website body background color to: #a0a09f
Please see tmpl.default.css file the following class (line 24):

body {
margin: 0px;
line-height: 20px;
background: url("../images/bg.body.png") repeat-x left top #a0a09f;
background-attachment: scroll;
background-position-x: left;
background-position-y: top;
background-position: left top;
background-attachment: fixed;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
color: #ababab;

Regards, AS Team.
I am purchased and use your Joomla template AS002034 V2.0.0 on a customers website. Now, as PHP version 7.0 support will end at the end of the year, I tried to switch to PHP 7.1 or 7.2. With both the frontend will no longer work, error message is: 0 - Using $this when not in object context Is there an update for this or fix for this? Thanks a lot! Reinhard
Hello KIFO051212,
We are sorry, your license for our support is expired, you may extend it from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello together,

How can I enlarge the whole content to 90% of the browser width?
I did try to modify the bootstrap.css but failed.

Best regards
Burkhard Panier
I need to do some changes in index.php but when I try, I see an error.
Can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
I would like to use 5 Articles from the Categorie “Slider Home” with the Menu “Slider Articles” with an Image-Link to the Article.
When I change the setting in the Modul “AS Sequence Home Slider”
in “Slider Options – Images as Links” from “No Links” to “Item Links”, the Slider stops on the 2nd Article. When I set back the settings to “No Links”, all 5 pictures run through.
I already tried 1 day but can't find what I did wrong.
If you want to check, you find the Website and your Login in my AS-Account in "My Purchased Items".
Thanks, Klaus
no idea how to solve that issue about to set Links to the pictures in the Slider? Is it maybe a bug in the AS Sequence Slider itself? Also when I change the Timer in Slide Options, I can't really see a difference.
Hope you can help me, Klaus
Hello STOKLA61,
We are working on this issue, will let you know when it will be resolved. Sorry about that.

Regards, AS Team.
thank you for your response. I will wait for your solution.
Regards, Klaus
have you already found a solution for that issue?
Regards, Klaus
Hello STOKLA61,
The issue is fixed, please download the package from your AS account and reinstall the slider, the extension file name is:
Please let us now if you will have any problems.

Regards, AS Team.
Great! I will try it out asap and let you know.
Thanks guys!
It works well, thanks again ;-)
how can I insert some pictures in a text, without using the css formatting for that picture?
When I use <img src="images/xyz.png" alt="" /> the pic get formatted automatically by the css ( I guess).

Regards, Klaus
I think I got it!
Just need to create a own style in style.custom.css
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