Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

I did not explain it right, what I meant is the template version
No, if you updating just the changed files and you did not make any changes in these files.

Regards, AS Team
How do I change green main menu buttons to other color?
I'm trying to change the background color on the Top Menu of my website In the Template Manager for AS002036, under Header Configuration Parameters, The Top menu has options for font size, weight, and color, but no options for background color - like there is in all of the other sections. Can you please help?

Thanks! - Whitney
There is no such option in the template parameters.
You have to edit background images which can be found in the '/templates/as002036/images' folder, you may use PSD file included in the downloaded package. As well you will need to change the submenu background color in the tmpl.header.css file, please look for the following class:

#header .row1 #topmenu ul li
background-color: #ACB866;
height: 30px;
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
width: 200px;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello support,

thanks for your prompt answer!
On the first page that is being loaded when you type my url: you can see on the right a a blue triangle with white letters in it ( this is my Logo) and underneath a text written in white letters ( this is my moto). I want to move them at the right edge of the site and i am looking for the file that i have to alter in order to achieve this! I hove this helped!

Best Regards
You can move it on the top by changing the #header.home #companyname class in the tmpl.header.css file, you have to add:

padding-top: 10px !important;

See example below.

#header.home #companyname {
float: right;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-left: 0;
padding-top: 10px !important;
text-align: center;

There is no option to move it right, it should be developed, sorry.

Regards, AS Team.
I meant what to do to change the color which shows up when I go with my mouse over an menu item (currently green in the template).
You have to edit background images which can be found in the '/templates/as002036/images', you may use PSD file included in the downloaded package.

Regards, AS Team.

Does this template support featured articles? I cannot get featured articles to appear on the home page in the paid version but it works in the free version.

Thanks in advance,
Sorry, we don't see any purchased items under your account.

Regards, AS Team.
I'd like to reduce l position 55 and the module copright that they project into a picture.

Best Regards
Hello PELELE67,
You have edit tmpl.footer.css file. Please find the following class and reduce the width:

#footer .row3 .row3col1
float: left;
font-size: 11px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: left;
width: 650px;

Regards, AS Team.
thanks for the quick response.
The module has been reduced by the change. I get but still represented the same width.

This is regulated here:

# footer. row3. content {
background-color: # E6EAF7;
padding: 15px 30px;
width: 900px;

I have not found it to change 900px.

An additional question: Is there a search function for the forum, I found nothing.

best Regards

Hello PELELE67,
As we see you managed to change the size for the module position 55 from 650 to 400, what is a problem with the size of the footer content, do you like to increase it too? In this case you may put your css in the Custom CSS area in the Template Parameters:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello. I purchased the template as002036. I have a problem with the drop-down menu. It seems that it only works for the current pages selected.
If I am on the "Chi siamo" page, I see the drop down menu "Chi siamo" but the others, do not work. If I am on the "Acquista" I only see the drop-down menu "Acquista" and others do not work.
Could you help me? The site is but is under construction and need the access data.
Please check the following article, step 7:

Regards, AS TEam.
Thanks for the quick reply, sorry it was a banality!
I would like to ask you another question!
I wish I had a different background based on the current page. Do you think this can be done?
For now, if I put two different images for the background, they are inserted in turn in all pages.
I apologize for my English.
The template has option to insert 5 background images which will be showed randomly, there is no such option to show different background depends on the page, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AsTemplates!

I Just Need to Change the Backgrounf of position 1, Top menu!
for this Template. AS002036.
Also... The Main Page Doent look ok from my android, The backgound picture is the sane size of the sample one, can u guys help me how to fix this issues.
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