Joomla! Template 002038 - Item Support

Sorry, the two feature articles entitled Professional Team and Universal Access... Thanks.
The Show "Read More" parameter under the Home menu item options was set to 'Hide', we changed it to 'Show'.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi! I have a three part question regarding the header/logo image ....
1) The image for our client does not fit in the container (height wise) and consequently is cut off right in the middle horizontally. The previous version of this template I was able to remedy this easily ( however in the newer responsive template I have been unable to resolve. url -

2) The header does not show in phone mode. Your demo CLEARLY shows the header will display in the phone mode. What is the fix? Mobile phones certainly have the space for it as evidenced by your demo for your responsive template, as well as the old template that we have used for years. Please advise.

3) There is a link/text that is superimposed over our logo/header image.... Have tried everything to get rid of it to no avail.

Thanks in advance!!!
1. Your background image size is small, you have to change the width to 1132px and height to 90 px.
2. It is because your logo comes with background image. You can easy see it by preview our demo using Firebug.
3. You do not have logo image.

Regards, AS Team.
I have the free version of this template but for some reason my Main Menu doesn't look the way it should at "as-position1" module position.
Is there any special way to do this with this template, it works with any other template except AS. Thank you very much!
We are sorry, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello! I am having difficulty changing out images for the testimonial page, from the about us menu..... I can insert my text just fine but not images...... I did a sample image and named it the same name and extension as one in the media manager.... then traded out the images..... I thought my image would replace the image thumbnail from the template? Thanks so much in advance for your help?
Just checked your website, the images not changed, here is a full path to the testimonial images:

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you! I know where to access the images......however when I add my images to the folder they are not appearing on the website...... Thanks again!!
We think you have cache enabled on your server, try to change images from the testimonials articles, the images should have other names.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I want to fix the main menu at the top of the page next to my logo, there is no documentation, which I can see, that tells me what all the positions are and get the right settings for the menu. Can you please point me in the right direction?
You can do it using AS Superfish module Menu Options -> Sticky Menu parameter, before enable the option please download the latest version from your AS account and replace 'templates/as002038/css/tmpl.default.css ' file.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there

I am struggling to load the
'quickstart" folder - can you please assit?
Hello JANI12345,
What problem do you have? Can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
So when I downloaded the template, I unzipped the folder and loaded the template. I want to load the "quickstart" folder so I can just edit where i need to?
Hello JANI12345,
The quick-start package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, for more info please see the template installation documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
I know but it does not want to?
Hello JANI12345,
Do you have any error messages? Can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
Open your web browser and navigate to the folder that you uploaded your package to. Your url might look like this

How do I get to this link to install the template?
Hello JANI12345,
The link is your website url.

Regards, AS Team.
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