Joomla! Template 002048 - Item Support

The font size you can change by editing css files or by creating your own in the style.custom.css file.

Our suggestion is to install this template using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings, the package installation will save days of your time. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again
Thanks for the answer. But it was not, what I was loooking for. I'm sorry for not being specific enough in my earlier request.
I want specific info about, where I can find the css lines, where I can change the font size for the menu.
Please take a look at:
I need a bigger font for the menu to the left. Where can I find the css to change (I cant find it)
There is no specified class for your menu, you have to create your own css and put it in the style.custom.css file, here is an example:

#featured-row .mod-menu ul li
font-size: 16px;

Regards, AS Team.
Module "privacy" ne fonctionne pas: il semble y avoir un problème de case à cocher sur le formulaire de création d'usager. il n'est pas possible d'accepter les conditions de confidentialité, le formulaire ne prend pas la réponse en compte et se bloque.
What is your website url please and the page name where we can see this issue?

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, still not understanding the problem, we need more info. So you have screenshots? The screenshots please upload on your server and provide us with URLs.

Regards, AS Team.
Comment in status pending...

It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
Désolé, j'avais désactivé le module "privacy", je l'ai donc réactivé, et login et pass sont les mêmes.
Le problème semble venir de la case à cocher (accepter les règles de confidentialité), peut-être un problème de css sur le formulaire.
L'apparence même de cette case à cocher semble anormale: il n'y en a qu'une "j'accepte" et le formule "non" à droite, sans case à cocher pour ce cas.
J'ai de nouveau désactivé le plugin "privacy", qui pose trop de problèmes sur la boutique du site. C'est visiblement une incompatibilité entre le template et le plugin, qui semble se manifester avec d'autres templates.
The plugin you are using on your website is not included in the template package, as result it doesn't have css for the plugin, you have to create your own css and put in the style.custom.css file, or you can ask for our customization services here:

Regards, AS Team.
Ok, merci quand même.
Le plugin ne fait pas partie du template mais fait partie (depuis la 3.9 je crois) de l'installation originale de Joomla.
Please let us know if you need it, for fixong this issue we must to have an access to your Joomla admin panel. The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
OK, je viens de saisir les codes
I was trying to instal the Quickstart to upload sample data from the template, but MySQL connection got an error. I tried several ways; from MySQL in Control Panel giving a new database with the user-password, changing the configuration.php for the public_db but still get an error message. Would you give me an idea to fix this kind of problem? Thanks in advance.
Hello RHZAL14,
The access to your data base you can get from your hosting provider only, sorry we cannot help you with the access info.

Regards, AS Team.
My Own template after installation dispalays this error:
This redirect url is not allowed, you should change the "Allowed domains for the redirection via the module" parameter from the AcyMailing configuration page to "localhost|localhost8080||" to allow it or set it to "all" to allaw all urls
sorry! done it with my code>.my own fault ,it is now success
Hello, in the installation of the template the server says that there is no setup.xml file.
What should I do?

Can you please provide us with more details?
Did you unzip the package before installation? Have you checked the template installation documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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