Joomla! Template 002049 - Item Support


Check it now, please.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you, because it works almost well.
Shipping method can only be selected in the third step.
This can be corrected?

What could be the reason That the system does not send e-mail order confirmation?

Best regards,

We checked your site, shipping method work fine in cart.

Regard e-mail confirmation, it could be misconfiguration in the Virtue-Mart or Joomla, please read following article:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As support,

I had purchase the specific template and was working normally, until suddenly the captcha images are not displayed in Registration Form.

I know that my license has been expired but i will appreciate if you could help me to solve the issue. I can not understand why this happend.

We are sorry, our support can't help you here, but you may ask for our services:

Regards, AS Team.

I'm trying template 002049, in some cases when I need to open forms as user registration ,
create or edit joomla article from the site, the forms are created in the bottom of the template, I do not understand why, not create them in the workspace template

I want to buy this template but I have this question regarding operations .
i can't to install the 002049 template, a part of the error is:
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__viewlevels` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `idx_assetgroup_title_lookup` (`title`)
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__user_usergroup_map` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`,`group_id`)
Duplicate key name 'idx_user_id_profile_key' SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__user_profiles` ADD UNIQUE KEY `idx_user_id_profile_key` (`user_id`,`profile_key`)
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__user_notes` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `idx_user_id` (`user_id`), ADD KEY `idx_category_id` (`catid`)
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__user_keys` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `series` (`series`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `series_2` (`series`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `series_3` (`series`), ADD KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__users` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `idx_block` (`block`), ADD KEY `username` (`username`), ADD KEY `email` (`email`), ADD KEY `idx_name` (`name`(100))
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__usergroups` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `idx_usergroup_parent_title_lookup` (`parent_id`,`title`), ADD KEY `idx_usergroup_title_lookup` (`title`), ADD KEY `idx_usergroup_adjacency_lookup` (`parent_id`), ADD KEY `idx_usergroup_nested_set_lookup` (`lft`,`rgt`) USING BTREE
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__update_sites_extensions` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`update_site_id`,`extension_id`)
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__update_sites` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`update_site_id`)
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__updates` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`update_id`)
Multiple primary key defined SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__ucm_history` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`version_id`), ADD KEY `idx_ucm_item_id` (`ucm_type_id`,`ucm_item_id`), ADD KEY `idx_save_date` (`save_date`)
What is your HP version please? Are you trying to install the package on your live server or localhost?

Regards, AS Team.
PHP Version 5.6.30, in my live server tks
Thank you for the info, we are checking this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Just released an update which includes the latest Joomla VM versions, please download it from your AS account and reinstall.
Please let us know if you will have any problems.

Regards, AS Team.
thank you for your is working fine...
Hello, i have an issue with the spanish language installatation... when i tried to use the spanish extension version, i have this message in my web page: 1146 - Table 'klicarau_tienda.#__virtuemart_vendors_es_co' doesn't exist

can you help me please?
Where from you downloaded the spanish extensio?

Regards, AS Team.
Please help me.

Is there a way to put my logo in the middle.

At the moment it is always on the left side and i cant see some option to change this.

Please help me with the code.

Thanks in advance and greetings from germany.

Markus Wehner
Hello MATRIXP89,
You may ask for our customization services here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello. Why my Menu looks so ugly at as-position-1 ? See
Why it have vertical items. Why it not horisontal look?
Your positons layout looks much better on the picture
Hello GORBVA28,
Our suggestion is to install this template using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings, the package installation will save days of your time. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hmmm.. Quick start installation assume "If you have any Joomla installed on your server you need uninstall it first."
Are you serious? I should kill my tuned joomla only for template well working?
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Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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