Joomla! Template 002050 - Item Support

You can use article intro text instead and then customize media css files.
Sorry, we can't make any suggestions.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for your reply, I changed the module slider by another.

I just realize you have a bug in your template.
if you look at my site, or your demo with an iPhone or iPad using the Google Browser there is a message on each page
the message said "Can't identify browser version Agent Mozilla/5.0 (ipad;CPU OS 7_1 like MAc OSX)............"
Thank you to see the problem as soon as possible to resolve this bug
Best regards
What Google Chrome version do you have on iPad? Just checked it, everything works fine.

Regards, AS Team.

I have the latest version of google on my Ipad and Iphone Apple.
If you bother to watch on an iPhone you will see the problem
I looked on another Iphone and it is the same problem on my web site and on your web demo

You parametered in the demo site, email
which appears in sending the request form and creates a "falure notice"
I can not find anywhere where it is parametered email

thank you for your help
The email you have to replace with your email, you can find it in your Joomla admin panel -> Components -> Contacts -> Contacts -> Contact -Us page.

Regards, AS Team.
Yes I know this location and there has my email.
I can not find or just email throughout the admin joomla
Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel? We have to check all parameters. The info please put in the Special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
is it possible to change to background color style I am looking for a #b591b9 rather than the few you have available. the page said that color options are completely customizable. However, it appears only the fonts and menus are.
i use this Template 002050 with Joomla 3.2.4.
Also i use RS Formular Pro in Version 1.49.8

I add a formular and use it under:

But i noticed that only on this site the slider dont work.
What must to done that it works?
Hello DH12355,
We think that there is a conflict between jQuery libraries, try to disable it in your extension.

Regards, AS Team.
i dont fint where i can change the width of the template.
Pleaes can you give me the information?
Hello DH12355,
We are sorry, but there is no such option, it depends on which device you are preview your site.

Regards, AS Team.
In the blog view the intro and article image automatically scaled up when the browser windows is smaller than 480px. The scaled image looks bad especially when the image is in portrait format.
Is it possible to disable this image scaling?
I have installed the template on a joomla 3.3.6 and everythink seems to work wonderful. But I see that the following file is missing "tmpl.modules.css". Can you please update the template for the latest joomla requierment. I have paided the template.

Just fixed this issue, thank you for noticing about it. You can download the latest version from your AS account and update files accordingly to our News page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

why do you not optimzed all the PNG for example with optipng?? The file size can be reduzed --> also Google check give this as hint...

Please optimze all png in the next release by Default

I have the template 002 050.
I wanted to use 4 modules, one for column, at position 30, as can be seen in thedemo of the model. However, in my case, all modules are in a single column. What should I change so that they are 4 columns?
I'm talking from position 30, position 23 but the same problem occurs.
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.

The site is still not online, only local server because I'm testing templates and extensions.
The 002050 template was installed after installing Joomla 3.3.6 on the local server.
If I do not solve the problem and I do not use 4 columns in position 23, how can I recover the money paid by the template?
The objective is to have the website online later in the month.

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