Joomla! Template 002062 - Item Support

It is developed for our marketplace only for preview our items only. Can we know the reason why you would like to use this feature on your site?

Regards, AS Team.
Sure. I want to show my prosepctive clients excatly how my site would look on their phone/tablet devices.
The fact that you have this feature on your demo site persuaded me to purchase your template!
This feature have all companies who working in the template development area. If you wish to have the same you can ask for our services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

here's my site url for solving the problem:

I mean the categories "Show All", "Our Guys", "Erotik" and "In Studio".

There should be more categories displayed than 3 or 4. Where can I change that in the backend?

Best regards

Have you added new categories and articles? Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue? The info please put in the special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.

I added the info under "purchased items" to provide you the access.

Thank you for your help!

Best regards
We are sorry, we don't see the info, please be sure after adding the info you have saved it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again,

I added the info again under "purchased items".

I just want to add new categories under the category "Galerie". But if I add some categories, they simply won't appear under "Galerie" at the top.

The only categories that are shown are the already existing ones "SHOW ALL", "OUR GUYS", "OUR GIRLS", "IN STUDIO".

The categories added from me "Menschen", "Paare", "Outdoor", "Reisen" simply won't appear. In the backend they are existing but not in the frontend..

Please help me!
Thx ;)
You have added categories but did not create any articles under those categories, as example we created for you Project Test article under Menschen category, as you can see everything work fine.

Regards, AS Team.

Whats with the gallery??
I first installed this template via Joomla and gallery was ordinary phoca gallery, then i installed it again using quick-start, but the gallery is now using "two" styles. Behind the thumbnail is phoca style and thumbnail is template style.....or something like that.

Here is my page:
Hello MATO22HD,
Your site is offline currently, we have to see it please.

Regards, AS Team.

Thank you very much for your quick help! You're the best! Now I can go on with my work.

Best regards
JD ;)
At least I got another question.. How can I manage it, that some pictures of me are displayed at the startpage? Where do I have to upload them and how can I manage them to appear on the startpage?

Thanks a lot :)
You can try to change articles ordering only, sorry, there is no other option.

Regards, AS Team.
Oh sorry, i forgot. Its online now.

Best regards,
Hello MATO22HD,
It looks like you have not installed this template using quick-start installation package or installed it by forgot to choose the template sample data at the final step.
The quick-start package should be installed like regular Joomla package, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.

I have buyed and installed your template 002062. But there are two little problems during the manuel temlate installation:

1. Your extension "Articles Single" give me the following information because of not existing file:

Warning: JInstaller: :Install: Die Datei "/var/www/vhosts/" existiert nicht

2. Your extension "news_pro_gk4" give me the following information because of not existing file:

Warning: JInstaller: :Install: Die Datei "/var/www/vhosts/" existiert nicht (doesn't exist)

What is the problem?

Is it possible that there is something wrong with the installation-files you have delivered?

Thank you for noticing about this issue, it was fixed, please download the updated version from your AS account and reinstall these extensions.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,
thank you very much for your help. It works.
Regards SMatheis
Hello again,
Sorry, I was a little bit to fast.
Here is one more:

Your extension "artticles_news_adv" give me the following information because of not existing file:


JInstaller: :Install: Die Datei '/var/www/vhosts/' existiert nicht.

Thank you again.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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