Joomla! Template CS Vigorous - Item Support

Hola, ya consegui instalar correctamente la plantilla muchas gracias por su ayuda.
Demo not showing.
Error is: Not Found

The requested URL /vigorous/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Buenas tardes, no consigo instalar el QuickStart en Joomla, le ruego me indique los pasos para instalarlo.

Hola, tengo un error en un template que compré, se trata que al abrir la pagina en el explorador explorer al cabo de 1 minuto desaparecen las imágenes, en cambio al abrirlo en mozilla o en google chrome no desaparecen las imágenes. Me podrían indicar a que se debe este error. Gracias
Buenos Dias,

Tengo un problema en la plantilla vigorous, cuando abro mi pagina en internet explorer o en un ipad o iPhone me desaparecen las imágenes que tengo en la web
Pero cuando lo abro en google chrome o mozilla Firefox no me desaparecen las imágenes.

Le ruego me indiquen a que es debido.

I love this template with the exception of the lime color...can that be changed?...thank you in advance...M
I purchased this template. It does not work with php7. When will there be an Version wich works with php7?

Hi, I unzip the file and there are a few files. I load the quickstar file but i cant install it.
It said : " JInstaller - Installation. Can not find the XML configuration file. The Joomla package could not be installed through the Extensions Manager. Please use the Joomla!> Updater component to update Joomla." Regards

After install jed plugin i shoul be able to see the plugins and modules of internet but for some reason i cant ssee them. Do you know why?


I extract the quickstar into my publick_html, when i open the joomla administration it open a Angie - Akeeba Next Generation Installer Engine V.3.9.1 and i´m stuck in here. I dont know who to finish the installation

Thank you for help
I do the steps like the images and it open the site but is just in text.
I cant see images just text like the site estructure.
Also i cant use the administrator it just still in blank

What PHP version do you have on your server?

Regards, AS Team.

The server install the version 5.6 but when the akeeba site open i change it to 5.5 because the text mensage. I already tried with the 2 versions and its the same. I install the joomla from the softaculous app that already is in CP.

I install the joomla from the app, then extract the files to administration files (publick_html), change the version of PHP and went to akeeba site.


I uninstalled the joomla I had and deleted all the files. Then I created a new database and user and I uploaded the quickstart and extracted, followed with the installation and the same appears. I can only see text on the site, the PHP version is 5.5

Ok, i already put the acess in special info

Please check your website, everything should be OK now.

Regards, AS Team.

Thank you , now is work fine. Can you tell me the reason that´s not working?

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Item Name:
CS Vigorous
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product