i need the article "SEMINARI" to have a color in the background like the others and in the middle under LINGUE (i used a comma to put it where it is now)
thank you!
AS Templates
POSTED: 2015-09-17
In your case you have to add more css classes for each box, currently you have 6, the css code you can see in the tmpl.default.css file starting from the line 2398:
You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin: https://getfirebug.com/
Thanks for your feedback.
But is it then possible to change the padding (big grey border)? So the image will appear in the middle?
One more thing.
Is it possible to show Contact - Foto Album - Sponsoren - on 1 row? Also these pictures are too big when you hover the image...?
Please help.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2015-11-24
All these changes should be done by creating your css or by editing existing css files only, you can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla Fireblug plugin: https://getfirebug.com/
Dear AS-Team,
for some reason I have "ruined" my mid page content,<div class="items-row cols-3 row-0 row-fluid">
<div class="item item__featured column-1 span4"> .
Could you send me the html-code? En where I have to place it?
Website : dev.tvderaam.nl (contact -foto album - sponsoren)
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My sites all have a grey body (backround). I can change the color from grey to another colour in tmpl.default.css too?
Thx and best regards!!
You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:
Regards, AS Team.
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How can i add the background color to one more item in the featured home module?
If i add one more article and then add it to the featured home category, the backgound is transparent.
What is your site url please? We have to see the issue in case to help you.
Regards, AS Team.
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i need the article "SEMINARI" to have a color in the background like the others and in the middle under LINGUE (i used a comma to put it where it is now)
thank you!
In your case you have to add more css classes for each box, currently you have 6, the css code you can see in the tmpl.default.css file starting from the line 2398:
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num0 {
background: rgba(100, 188, 238, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;
in the same way you have to add css for items 6 and 7
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num6 {
background: rgba(100, 188, 238, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0;
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num7 {
background: rgba(100, 188, 238, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;
Regards, AS Team.
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i got a new question now:
How can i align .item_n6 under .item_n4?
i just want to have the last box in the middle of the page, not on the left.
We think you can create a new fake item without text and put it under item 3 and move your last item under item 4.
Regards, AS Team.
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Please, can you help to center (and make them bigger) the images into the blocks (featured, position 6) ?
Where can I find that?
Thanks in advance!
template: dev.tvderaam.nl
the image size you can change by editing 'http://dev.tvderaam.nl/templates/as002074/css/tmpl.default.css' file the following class
(line 2418):
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_img {
margin: 0 0 25px;
max-width: 60%;
overflow: hidden;
You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:
Regards, AS Team.
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Thank you! That works!
But now I would like to center those images in the boxes.
What will be the css then?
And is is possible to use a greyscale by hover over the images instead of the rotate function by Featered (position 6)?
Thanks in advance!
Marcel Fleuren
The template doesn't have css for centering and greyscaling, you have to create your own css and put it in the style.custom.css file.
Regards, AS Team.
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But is it then possible to change the padding (big grey border)? So the image will appear in the middle?
One more thing.
Is it possible to show Contact - Foto Album - Sponsoren - on 1 row? Also these pictures are too big when you hover the image...?
Please help.
All these changes should be done by creating your css or by editing existing css files only, you can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla Fireblug plugin:
Or you can always ask for our customization services:
Regards, AS Team.
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for some reason I have "ruined" my mid page content,<div class="items-row cols-3 row-0 row-fluid">
<div class="item item__featured column-1 span4"> .
Could you send me the html-code? En where I have to place it?
Website : dev.tvderaam.nl (contact -foto album - sponsoren)
The module configurations you can see here:
Regards, AS Team.
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Could you please send me the zipfile?
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I want to start today with the website.
In my account there is nothing too see that I bought I template.
No invoice I have.
I have a strange feeling about this.
I will contact paypal.