Joomla! Template 002077 - Item Support


Please, provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel via Special info in your AS Template account.

Regards, AS Team.
i send email with login and password for to

Does anyone know what to type for Google integrated fonts and where to type the html or css coding??? Do you type it in the Template Manager in the Topography section?? I am working with the free version ...Annie
Hi, I am having problems with the AS Carousel, The images are not syncing with the Text. Image 1 has Image 3's Text below it and so on. I am sure I am just doing something stupid. All the correct info is in the Articles. Please let me know if there is something I can do to fix this. Thanks Brandon
In case to help you we need an access to your Joomla admin panel, the access info please put in the Special info area -> My Author Club items page.

Regards, AS Team.

I have added the details to The Special Info Area. Please let me know when you are done checking.

Regards, Brandon
What is your domain name please?

Regards, AS Team.

Sorry about that... Have added it to the Special Info Area.

Please check your site, it should be OK now.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Guys, Thanx very much works great. Is there any way you can tell me what you did? It looks like what ever you did needs to be done for mobile too.

Regards, Brandon
I bought the very nice template AS002077 and I began my web site. I have 2 technical questions...
The first question is about the Slide on the home page : I created new articles to make the various slide, that's OK. But on a few slide when I click " to read more ", the buttons of navigation from above do not work any more on the page which opens. I cannot return to the homepage by clicking on the button "Home" or on any page.
I noticed that the address in the address bar is different : with "...index.php / slider-1" it works well, but some page have for address "... index.php / 14-home-slider / 63-slider-2 " and the buttons of navigation do not work.
The second question concern the display of the Gallery : It do' nt want to have all the objects of all categories when I click on "Gallery" but only the objects of the 1st category ("Lorem") and the choice of the others categories then (Ipsum and Dolor) : (Portofilo von template AS002077 without the category "All"). It's possible or not ?
Regards, Joelle

What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Yes, I installed it using quick-start installation package.
The site URL is :

Regards, Joelle
You have to check the slider 2 source code, it seems you have some missed closed tags, as well you have to create a menu item for your second slider like it is done for other sliders.
If you will not be able to find the problem please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, the access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.
Sorry, not quite understand the second question, can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
I'm not abble to find the problem so I give you an access info for my Joomla admin panel in the special info area.
Concerning the 2nd question :
I wouldn't mix everything (ceramics and paintings) when the gallery displays. I wish I could not have all the Gallery objects that appear at the opening of the page "Creations" ("Gallery"). Is it possible to show only the articles of the first sub-category (ceramics, raku) of the category Gallery and the buttons to select the other 5 subcategories ?

Regards, Joelle
I found the solution of my 1st problem concerning the slider.
Can you please look now for my 2nd question? Thank you.

Regards, Joelle
We are sorry, the gallery does not have such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
I have a problem with the display of images in the Gallery with this Template and I noticed that the problem also exists on your demo site : At the opening of the Gallery page (not from the Home page but from other pages), the images are not displayed, - whatever the display mode. Only the brown funds with the titles appear. It is necessary to scroll with the mouse then the images appear.
With your last template AS002082 this problem of displaying the Gallery does not exist...
Could you please have a look on my website? To reach the gallery (from other pages than the homepage), you must click on “Oeuvres”, and then choose “Céramiques”. Thank you
I have put an access to the administration for you in my Special Info area.
Regards, Joelle
Thank you for noticing about this issue, we believe it will be resolved next week.

Regards, AS Team.
I have a couple of questions about this very nice template.
Regarding the logo, both:
1) is there any way to give to "image" logo the same behaviour (resize with scolling) of the text logo?
2) how to give different distribution of the two colors in the text-logo? Now the color is different from the 4th letter... how to start for instance from the sixth?
Thanks and best regards
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