Joomla! Template 002085 - Item Support

Hello. I would like to now how i can change the pictures of the slideshow in te top menu of this template. Kind regards, Ramon Buijs
The slider documentation you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I have a question on how to fix:

as-content-2 position
Modules: Comments Menu

The five Green Menu Items for the Comments Menu slide in from right to left and stop over the image bg.row2.jpg. How do I correct it so that they stop to the right of the image?
Hello GBIRK1962,
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
I have got one question left. On my homepage on the right side there is a sort of slide show with 6 green lines ( vesitibule id etcetera ).

On the left of it I see a picture of a tree hanging over a river. I want to change that picture. I searched and searched but could not find a way to replace the picture.

The same about the picture on the bottom of the homepage ( the one with the plastic bottle on the beach ) and all the pictures on the bottom of the other pages,

I saw the foto's in the template. I can delete the picture manually, but i don't know how to replace them in stead of deleting them.

Please can someone help me out? The rest of my website is ok now.

Kind regards

Ramon Buijs; The Netherlands
All these background images you can find in the templates 'images' folder, please look for: bg.row2.jpg and bg.row6.jpg images, just replace these images with yours.

Regards, AS Team.
The development site where we are deploying this template is:
You will also note that I added a sixth Menu Item to the Comments Menu. This item is not shaded Green. If I go to Extensions – Templates – Styles – Layout and choose a different Theme, the Menu item is shaded. However, it still slides from right to left and stops over the image bg.row2.jpg not in the empty box to the right of image bg.row2.jpg.
Hello GBIRK1962,
1. The issue can be resolved by changing module ordering in position as-content-2, for more info please see the following article:
2. Sorry, not quite understand the problem regarding the menu items, please provide us with more info.

Regards, AS Team.

Issue 1, changing the order worked. Thank you.

Issue 2. If you go to you will see in position AS-Content -2, I have six menu items. The first five have a white font with green background. The sixth menu item, Enhanced Aerobic Biodegradation does not have the green background.

In Joomla under Extensions – Templates – Styles, I have the Theme Style set to default. If I change it to Blue Ivy, the sixth menu item, Enhanced Aerobic Biodegradation has a blue background.

I would like to use the default style as our company logo is green.
Hello GBIRK1962,
In the tmpl.default.css file please add the following class (line 2582):

#content-row-2 .moduletable ul li.num5
background: #37b373 none repeat scroll 0 0;
-webkit-transition: transform 0.5s ease 0.3s;
-moz-transition: transform 0.5s ease 0.3s;
-o-transition: transform 0.5s ease 0.3s;
transition: transform 0.5s ease 0.3s;

Regards, AS Team.
Well. I tried to change the picture big row 2. Went to extensions, templates, clicked on mij templates, found the bigrow2 image in the file system images. Clicked on big row 2 and then there are different options: cut, change size, copy, template example, new files rename files etc etc. I clicked opn change files and uploaded a new picture. But then I get a warning 'Foutieve bestandsnaam. Wijzig de naam van het bestand en probeer het opnieuw.
Uploaden bestand mislukt. 'Translated in English: Change the name of the file and try it again.
Well, I tried and tried. Even gave it the exact same name. But didn't work. Its just an ordinary jpg.file less then 2 mb. What do i do wrong? I will put my website on publis. This is my domain:
The pictures you have to edit on your PC using Photoshop or any other image editor, then you have to upload your images on your server using FTP or cPanel provided to you by your hosting provider.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanx for your information. That's what i did. And is see my uploaded images right under the pictures I want to change. But when i delete the big row 2 I can not find a way to replace that picture for one that i uploaded. So I tried to replace the big row 2 picture for my picture at once. But that doesn't seem to work. For the rest of my template It wasn't any problem. But that are pictures that belongs to an article and not one that's a part of the template.
About changing the pictures of the template itself. Her are the pictures. The big row 2 is mij new image. That one i want to replace for the bigrow2 under the button images sytem

Bewerken bestand "/templateDetails.xml" in template "as002085".

'bg.row2.jpg' should be uploaded in the 'images' folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you

Please advise the name of the mode: text in circles (QUISQUE FERMENTUM/ CURAB FACILISIS/ AENEAN LAOREETEM).

Aas far as I understand it's position as_content_botttom. The thing is that i have no mode in such a position.

Thanks in advance
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear ASTeam,
I got problems with scrolling the website in my google Chrome browser. Scrolling is working in every other browser, but not in chrome?
Thank you for an answer.
Please download the latest template version from your AS account and replace updated files accordingly to the release log 2.2.0:

Regards, AS Team.
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