Joomla! Template 002022 - Item Support

Hello ,
I have purcahsed a license but I still cannot set up the parameters of the template. Why ?
Can you please provide us with more info? Which parameters you can't specify? Please contact us by email.
hi there,

how can i set this menu from the preview on the tight top corner?

i have absolut no idea how can i get this menu. with menu-modul on postion 16 it doesnt work. pls help me.

You can't do it in this template without changing the source code in the index.php file.
ok. an where can i get a how to or some help?
HAMMERHEAD, we recommend you to refer to the tutorials or community forums on how to work with Joomla platform, for example, or to hire someone to do the job for you.

Hello, thanks for thi s great template!

My question is: how can I show the slide only in the home?

I would like to build a site that looks like the preview of this template; so slide only in the home and not so large header in other pages.

I don't know why I've nothing published on position 15 and it seems that slideshow is not a module.

I'm starting my Joomla adventure just right now so... please be patient!

Thank you very much.

ALESND81, the free version doesn't have an option to show slide on home page only, you should purchse an extended license.
We are not providing template content, it means you should put byself some text in position 15 or any other positions.
Once you install the extended, purchased version where is the option to only have the images on the home page?
I thought that they should be on the template EDIT section, yet the only thing my template edit in terms of parameters is as follows:

The parameter file /templates/as002022/params.ini is writable!

just like with the free version.

Do you have any idea where I am going wrong?

Thank you,
You can find it in Advanced options - 'Show on home page only'
Thank you for the beautiful template!
I am having an option with featured articles showing the header details (date/author). I have turned Off the category article options, and also on the article itself, but these are still showing:

Written by Super User
Hits: 1

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Probably you also need to disable it in Menu manager if link was created as Single Article, click on edit menu item then on Article Options.
Hi! AS temlates Team,

great template, allready bought one yesterday, but need some help .

1. I know, there are custom plugins for contact form and contact, but which one did you use, or is it allready in the template-where?



In Joomla Admin Manager go to Components->Contacts and creat a new contact as Sample Data-Contact, then point on it in the Menu Manager.
Hi I purchased the extended version for this template.... is there any way to extend the amount of Images it displayes in the main banner?

It is currently set to 10... I need it to show 17....

Many thanks for a great template
It should be developed, please contact us by email.
Hi, I am working with this template, the free version, and have ticked in all places in Joomla backend not to show the page title and the icons. They are still showing. I can not find any other place where I would tick not to show. Any suggestions? Have anyone managed to tick them off? Grateful for any comments or help!
Also, just wondering, if there is any smart code I could add into the index.php file to be able to post the first page without an article and just modules?

Thank you for a super nice template otherwise!

1. The page title and icons you have to hide in the article manager and the menu manager sections.
2. Our templates don't have such code, but you can choose in the Joomla admin manager on which pages you would like to see modules or articles.
Please refer to Joomla's documentation or forums.
how can I make this template 40% smaller without changing a bunch of code.

This template doesn't have such option, it means you should change the template's source code by self.
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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