Joomla! Template 002022 - Item Support

Thank you... Site url is

Also, I am trying to insert a menu in position 30 where I have two other modules in the same position (phoca gallery and get in touch modules), but it consistently displays above the row. I need to have the menu displayed to the right (in-line) of the other two modules. Have tried everything. Suggestions, pls... Thanks
Your site is password protected, we can't see it, but we think you forgot to set column bootstrap size under the module advanced option to 4 columns.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you... EXACTLY what I failed to do! Thanks for the very quick response.
I want to change the background black color. Please assist me
Hello WILSOFT30025,

Sorry, we are not support items for "AS Designing - Business Club" .

Regards, AS Team.

How do I enable the "FaceBook, Twitter, Google, etc" buttons at the top?


We are sorry, we do not see this item under your purchased items section or your license for our support is expired.

Regards, AS Team.
Im the owner of domane and I buy this template with Extended License
Can you please tell me how can I change page_heder from "Our stuff" το another text that I want. The page is (

Sorry, but you have the regular license only.
Can you explain why it used in multiple domains.

Regards, AS Team.

Sorry we are not support all clients by email.

All purchased templates under SOFOKLIS67 account has regular licenses, that mean it could be use for one domain only. In case to use it for more than one domain you have to buy extended license. Template 002022 has regular license and register for domain , but used for more than one. This is violation of our terms of use : ( section 2).

Regarding another question, please read following conversation :

Regards, AS Team.
What a news! I don't know. I probably should ask explanations sofoklis67 who buy it for us. My name is Filatov Artemios Im a supervisor of We ask for a template with extended license and it supposed to be only for one domane name.
Ok, let me talk about the issue whith sofoklis first.
you can do me a favor?
You can also check this website
If template is utilized on other domanes?
If it has Extented license?
Because this is also our website with same characteristic as ( Extented license - one domane)
You can send me a answer to
Hi, I have this same template installed with no problem on one Go Daddy account. Would like to use it for another account, but cannot get past the first Joomla! install screen "Main Configuration".

I've added a php5.ini file to disable Magic Quotes (as I had to do with the other account) and I've replaced code Engine=InnoDB with Engine=MyIsam in both the mysql and the sample_data.sql...

Still stuck on the Main Configuration screen. Please advise. (URL is
We are sorry, but we can't help you with your server configuration, you have to ask for help your hosting provider.

Regards, AS Team.
Have Joomla installed successfully (URL:, however template will not display.

Get the following error message: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Could not find template "as002022".' in /home/lcusbc/public_html/libraries/cms/application/site.php:539 Stack trace: #0 /home/lcusbc/public_html/libraries/legacy/error/error.php(778): JApplicationSite->getTemplate() #1 /home/lcusbc/public_html/plugins/system/redirect/redirect.php(134): JError::customErrorPage(Object(InvalidArgumentException)) #2 [internal function]: PlgSystemRedirect::handleError(Object(InvalidArgumentException)) #3 {main} thrown in /home/lcusbc/public_html/libraries/cms/application/site.php on line 539

Please advise. Thank you.
Our suggestion is to reinstall Joomla using quick-start installation package, please be sure yo have deleted all files and database tables before new installation.

Regards, AS Team.

How we could have, in our blogs, intro image as link (as title of article) to fulltext?

Sorry, there is no such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
hi there

i installed your actual version of the 22-template and updated our joomla to version 3.3.6
the gap between the previous joomla-version (3.2.7 with template-version 5.4.1) might have been a little to big, i suppose...
however: installing the actual version of your template resulted in "no-show" of a lot of content which i have to set to the new module positions now. that might bring a little work - but it should not be a real problem.
before i start working with the new templates and setting all the positions for the content new, i'd like to ask you if you might have a solution for the strange behaviour of the extension "as menu".
as you can see under the menu takes a position which is a little to low and the size of the menu buttons is somehow wider than it should be.
another question is concerning the strange appearance of the pictures added to articles which you can see under
can you give me some hints concerning this issue...?
best regards!
The difference between the latest template version and template version 5.4.1 is huge. Starting from version 3, Joomla! was moved under bootstrapped framework, the bootstrap framework makes it fully responsive to all screen resolutions and aspect ratios. Moreover, thus it carries a lot of useful features, for instance additional HTML elements, set of CSS components, grid system and much more.
So, we as well moved all our templates under bootstrapped framework.
The template was fully recreated, changed all module positions and files structure. It will not work just by replacing the previous template version.
Our suggestion is to install the latest tempalte version using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation.

Regards, AS Team.
dear as-team
thanks for your reply!
to be sure: this means, i can install your "quickstart-package" directly with the "extension manager" in my actual joomla?
just by selecting the qs-package instead of selecting and updatin the template and the extensions one-by-one...?
best regards!
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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