Joomla! Template 002098 - Item Support

These images you can change by editing 'We will made for you - images' article under Home category, please see under Images and Links tab.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok, thank, I found the way .... obviously it was not difficult
Good evening to you
Hello, How can I put in front of the gray srtipe the logo?, or how can I change the opacity?
We are sorry, we do not see this item under your account, our support is available for premium versions only.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear team,

if I remove the index.php by activating "Use URL rewriting", I get a 404 for my pages except the homepage.

Best regards,
We are sorry, we cannot help you in this case, there is a problem with your server configurations, you have to check it with your hosting provider, for more info please see Joomla documentation;

Regards, AS Team.
Dear team,

thank you for your answer. I contacted my provider an am waiting for the answer.
I have a next question; why is the picture only showing half on the following page:

Best regards,
Sorry, which picture showing half? We do not see any problems with pictures.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there,
I've a question... In the gallery I need to have 8 categories, but in the menu, but in the subcategories i've only 6...
Even if I give all, it appears only 6... which file I've to change to have more?

Waiting for your reply.

Hello PIER1976,
What is your website url please and the page where we can see your gallery?

Regards, AS Team.
It's in development now... I'm working on it on wamp... I think I have to make some changes in the css..
Hello PIER1976,
How much articles do you have in your gallery?

Regards, AS Team.
There are at least 16 articles, divided into 8 categories...
In the destination module I can see all the categories, instead in the Gallery View I can see max 6 categories,
Hello PIER1976,
By default one gallery page shows 9 article, the number you can increase using Intro Articles parameter under Blog layout tab of the Gallery menu item page:

Regards, AS Team.
How can i change the backgrounds images in the hot deals and in the tours display page?
I explain better... I change the images deals.1, mantaining the same name, but in the Home page, I'd like to see the changed image as background of the Hot deals modules...

The same for tours, I would like to change the background image for each news, but I don't find them.
Hello PIER1976,
The images you can find and replace with yours in the template images folder on your server: "/templates/as002098/images/deal.1.jpg"

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I bought the simple version, and I want to install the quickstart, but when I try in my localhost, the installation take hours, and the installation never ends, Why happen this? I want to intall the quickstart for see how is the configuration so I can configure my site in a bluehost, Thanks for your reply
Hello SHAGGY2.0,
Please be sure your server meets minimum server requirements, please see table at the bottom of the following page:
Especially please check Recommended PHP settings, if needed you have to increase the following parameters on your server:

max_execution_time = 300

Regards, AS Team.
Hello everybody, new installed 002098 complet. The page is ready. A user should edit posts in the frontend. Login and change text in posts works. In the post edit the button "pictures and links" does not work. He is activated and visible. I change the template, e.g. in Beez3 or protostar then I can change pictures. The problem is only in template 002098. HELP!
Thanks for Support
What is your website url please? On which page we can see the problem?

Regards, AS Team.
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