LT Recoric - Musical services Joomla template

Item Description

LT Recoric is a Musical Services Joomla Template targeted for recording services, musical instrument shops and other music-related websites!

Nowadays, there are many kinds of entertainment, but the one people like most is relaxing with music. Therefore, if you are running a business related to music topic, it’s a good idea for you to create a musical website with LT Recoric to showcase all your products and services without much effort. First of all, this joomla template is developed based on a strong framework – Helix Ultimate as well as SP Page Builder, thus it will provide you a large number of editing features, such as Megamenu Generator, Mobile Menu, Compress JS/CSS, Retina/Mobile logos, Google Fonts so that you can build up your site without much coding knowledge requirements. Besides that, you can make an impression on your clients by changing the color style of your site via a multi-color styles feature. Now, it’s time for you to display all your music recording services as well as the musical instruments in an eye-catching interface. Moreover, your customers can freely surf your site on any kind of device without worrying about site quality because this joomla template is completely responsive with Bootstrap CSS grid layout. Last but not least, multi-language is ready for you to conquer both domestic and international customers. To sum up, let’s check out LT Recoric to bring your musical services and products to approach more potential clients!

Musical services Joomla template features

LT Recoric comes with a professional and modern design which is generated with Joomla! CMS. With the help of Helix Ultimate Framework and SP Page Builder, it's time for you to design your site and make it become an impressive one to grab visitor's attention effectively. All your recording services, such as voice recording, sound mixing or audio editing, will appear on your site. Besides that, it's not difficult for you to showcase the albums of your customers on your site so that everyone can enjoy it without any trouble. Moreover, you can also post blogs related to music in general and recording in particular on your site so that your clients can follow the news easily. Another plus point that LT Recoric brings you is a user-friendly interface, assisting your customers to surf your site and listen to recording audios with the high quality.

musical services Joomla template

This theme enables you to render some introduction about your studio including the recording services as well as the equipment supporting recording and editing sound. In addition, it's necessary for you to present your experienced and skilled staff who will help your clients record in order to gain the trust of them easily.

musical services Joomla template

Thanks to powerful template features and extensions, you can create a simple contact form for your customers to send messages on your site. In case they want to communicate with you directly, they can use the contact information you display on your site to meet you conveniently.

musical services Joomla template

Powerful Template Features and Extensions compatible

musical services Joomla template features

8 default colour styles

This template builds with 8 color styles. If you like another color without 8 default color styles, you can change it via Template Settings easily with unlimited colors based on Color picker Tool.

musical services Joomla template styles

Item Name:
LT Recoric
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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