Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hello AS Team,

In position as-position-7 we use the mod_news_pro_gk4 module.
On the home page situation, in addition to the picture are two large comma. s.white colored. Click on the image when the article appears. However the
the odds are now not readable. It is possible to specify a different color now?
Best regards,

To change the color you have to edit the background image:

Regards, AS Team.
Best AS Team,

Thanks a lot . Normally my clients, however, agree with me. But now one has a different opinion. He would like to welcome on the position of the breadcrumbs. Now I have a problem. Is it possible?
We think you can do it by creating a custom HTML module and publishing it in breadcrumb's position.

Regards, AS Team.
Best AS Team,

Is it possible, that in addition to the slider is placed, a figure.
This figure slould be a link to another url or menu-item.
Or must it placed inside the slider picture?
regards Gjalt.
We think there is no such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,
Is perhaps possible the Art-Slider of template as002063, to use in the template as002032 ? To save a lot of work?
We are using the same AS Art-Slider in both these templates, may we know what is the problem?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,
In the slider of AS002063, it is possible to click on read more button.
However I can't find this possibility on the slider of AS002032.
I would love to have this possibility also in AS002032.
regards Gjalt
First you have to create slider articles with Read More buttons option, then please go to the Slider Settings and enable Slider Caption preview, after under the slider Basic options you have to enable Read More option.

Because this template is not designed with this option you will need to add css for the banner, the css you have to put in the style.custom.css file.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

In the upper right corner the icons of facebook, twitter etc.are present.
When clicking on a icon the color is changed to a red color.
I should like to change that color, f.i. in blue.
Where do I specify that color?

regards Gjalt.
You can do it in the tmpl.default.css file in the following class:

#top_header li a:hover
background-color: #2c2c2c !important;
color: #990000;
transition: color 0.3s ease 0.1s;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

Thanks a lot. Is it also possible to have a link in the HTML module
Contact Us with an different hover color specified?
Yes, you can have it in the custom HTML module.
Sorry, not quite understand your second question, please provide us with more info.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,
In the module Contact Us are addresse,s phone numbers etc included.
I would like to make a link in it. The hover color of this link should be blue.
Where can I specified that color?
Else should I just send the address of me url ?

Regards, Gjalt
Yes, it will be enough to have your url only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,
I send you the url. Are there any problems ?
regards Gjalt
You can change it in the tmpl.default.css file, in the following class (line 3314):

#footer-row a:hover
color: #990000;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,
Thanks for giving me so often the right solution.
The site looks at it sould be.
Regards Gjalt.
Hello AS Team,

On our site we use two News Show Pro GK4 modules. However the module Nieuwsmodule#1 displays only two of three articles and the module Nieuwsmodule#2 dislplays four of four. I can't see any differences between both modules.
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