Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hello AS team,

Is it possible to change the size of the pictures in the slide?
In order to obtain a beautiful picture, the height must be at least 500 px.


You can edit it in Modules -> AS Artslider -> Slider Settings ->. Height

The value could be in percents or pixels.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello team,

I changed the size of height. But I was also planning to use 2 instead of 3 pictures. So I replaced the slider pictures with the new photos, and change the number of articles in 2(in the Basic Options). Now something strange happens. Only the slider picture slide1 is displayed, and another picture not slide2. In ....../images/sampledata/asimage/slider/there are two pictures slide1.jpg and slide2.jpg. So I am confused. I have checked it with a FTP program, and indeed there are only two photos slide1 and slide2.Is there maybe another place where also the sliderfoto's?

regards GG

Slider work with articles, so in case to add/change slides you have to do it in Content -> Articles -> under Slider category.

Regards, AS Team.
hello Team AS,

On one site it all works fine. However on another site I got that strange error message "Check-out failed with the following error: The user checking out does not match the user who checked out the item.
You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#87)." I am the super user so I expect to be able to come anywhere on the site.
What can I do ?

regards GG

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

Thanks for the information of checking out.
Now I have still problems with the Articles-Newsflash modules.
F.I.the module Uitvoering in
There are two articles. number1 with the published date of 2016-06-07 and number2 with the published date of 2016-06-09.
In the module order results are Published Date and the direction is Ascending. First article number1 is displayed.that is in my opion correct. But than at the end of that article the button Previous is displayed.instead of Next. Am I doing something wrong?
The access info to your admin panel is not working.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

My mistake, you gave the answer already. But now another problem. On the front page is on pos 21/22 the word Welcome. I like to change that in Welkom.
regards Gjalt

The 'Welcome' title you can delete/edit in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Home Menu item under Page Display tab please see Page Heading parameter.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

There are known problems with the template AS 002032 and the version 3.6.4 of Joomla? In the backend I have problems during open a module.The system gets into a endloos loop it seems. No problems in the forehand.
Try to refresh/reinstall your Firefox browser or use another one.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Team,

Sorry I doubted about the template, but indeed I had to empty the browser and the joomla cash,Thanks a lot

regards GG
Hello AS team,

After the upgrade to joomla 3.6.4, One aricle is not shown anymore.
I can see it in the backend and change something, and write it back, but in de foreground the is only a white screen,
Site www, and Activiteiten2016 / winterconcert.
regards Gjalt
We are sorry, the issue is not related to the template, the template is fully compatible with the latest Joomla version, probably some files were corrupted during the upgrade or you have some extensions which are not compatible with Joomla version 3.6.4

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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