Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support


I have the free version but am looking at updating.

How do I do the update in joomla 2.5 from free to paid please?

Do I just overwrite files or upload another extension?

I already have articles etc in the free one.

Many thanks for beautiful sites.

Did you make any changes in the source code?
If not, you have just uninstall the free version and then install a new.

Regards, AS Team.

No I didn't make any code changes, just created articles etc.

Good, so you have to uninstall the free version and then install a new.

Regards, AS Team.

Sure as eggs I knew I'd goof up somewhere and at the moment this is it.

The 3 Featured articles on the Home Page are there okay however there is a larger space between 2 and three than between 1 and 2. Not sure what i did to make this happen but could I have some help to even them up please.

Many thanks..


Hi Starlite,

Looks like you copied the text from Microsoft Office or used some editor, we don't have such class (MsoNormal) in our template, as well right margin:

class=”MsoNormal” style=”margin-right: 35.45pt;

Please check the article content.

Regards, AS Team.
Many thanks. Yes from Word. Used to paste into text editor first to get rid of code but brain went limp this time and I forgot.

I have tried to get rid of this info in many article however it seems changing the options from Show, Global, Hide etc are not working for me. What am I doing wrong here please.

Thanks for your time.

Category: Uncategorised
Published on Friday, 17 February 2012 02:36
Written by Super User
Hits: 19
Don't worry.. Can remove that info now. Works this time. Thanks
Sorry to do this but I was wrong.

I still cannot remove the details, author etc info top left of articles.

I have tried the right side Article Options however it does not make any difference.

Can you help please?

Hi Starlite,

You can remove them in the 'Menu Manager: Edit Menu Item - Article Options'

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
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