Joomla! Template 002035 - Item Support

Hello AS Team,

I downloaded this template for free and I have been using it on my localhost for 9 days.

Today, suddenly appeared a 500 error and now i haven't access to the template. The problem appeared in joomla/administrator/com_templatesviews emplate mpl/default.php line 29.

Is the template a trial;
Because I plan to make some changes in the css code and I would like to upload it to online server.

After the 500 error I installed it again and now it works.

Could you ensure me this is not a trial;
What do you think about the 500 error and about the non access to the template; The other templates work without problem.

There is no any trial for our templates, our free templates have copyright protection in the footer only, you may have a problems just if you will delete it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

How could I write some text in the slogan?

Maybe in the index.php file?
Do I have to write something only in english? Could I use other languages?

Hello AS Team,

I have a problem with the entry processes limits. Max=10 on my server and 3 times a week my website goes down for some minutes.

I don't know what changes should I do to deal with that situation. I dont use any other extensions, or have any bandwidth problems. I am asking you that because this problem is probably related to the template.

My website is

Any suggestion?

If it is possible, please send me private message to my email.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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