Ι am trying to install template as002037.
The problem I am encountering is the same if I do the installation with xampp 1.8 or 5.5 or 5.6 - the installation freezes. With xampp 7.0 installation didn't start at all… I read that this problem can be fixed by replacing the "ENGINE=InnoDB" with "ENGINE=MyIsam" in wamp\www\Your joomla folder\installation\sql\mysql\joomla.sql ! This solved the problem but I now have another problem with installation. The installation doesn’t freeze but displays sql error


There is an error in your SQL syntax; can you check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '-- MySQL Administrator dump 1.4 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `h49qb_acymailing' at line 1 SQL=-- MySQL Administrator dump 1.4 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `h49qb_acymailing_action`

If in step3 of the installation (overview), in the field INSTALL SAMBLE DATA I do not select to do installation with SAMPLE DATA AS002037 TEMPLATE and select the field NONE, the installation works properly !

In the past I have worked with AStemplates without any problem…