
So i upgraded one of my current sites to joomla 3.2.1, after that i installed your Template and extensions.

I am however now getting a few errors when wanting to create and publish modules as it is on the demo site(i also have the demo site installed in a sub-folder on the same server).

I get the errors when i create new modules (phoca gallery image module/mod_news_pro_gk4), linked to my OWN article and/or phoca gallery categories created.

The errors i get basically all look the same, depending on the module (listed previously). Please see ERROR below -->

0 - SQL=SELECT a.filename as filename, a.type as type, a.menulink as menulink FROM cd9cq_phocagallery_styles AS a WHERE a.published = 1 ORDER BY a.type, a.ordering ASC

Please advise