put Enable in Template Manager / Options / Preview Module Positions.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-03-14
Thank You for Your urgent answer.
I can assign module possitions for this template.
When i want to assign module i can see modules in module manager.
Module manager only show earler template /beez5/ templates module positions.
Can You help me?
Also how i can assign slider module?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-03-14
Hello GYTIS47,
In Module Manager you can type module position manually.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-03-14
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!
Best Regards,
POSTED: 2013-03-15
Dear Sirs,
can You help me?
Refer Your demo template 002041
How i can make the same? It is very good variant for our web site.
Sorry for this question.
Best Regards,
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-03-15
Hello GYTIS47,
We recommend to install quick start package for see all available functionality of current template.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-03-15
I have installed quick start
POSTED: 2013-03-21
Dear Sirs,
I need more place for slider show in position-7.
How i can change dimesions for slide show module in position-7?
I need for ehample 727X484 pixels.
Waiting for Your answer.
Best Regards,
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-03-21
Hello GYTIS47,
Sorry, we not able provide customization servises for free. Please contact us via our servises button with full explanation of your custommization project, and we will send your price for this job.
Thank you for understanding.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-09-17
Dear Sirs,
In contact module I can put aditional info in contact field "Other information".
This field only enabled when I enabling contact form.
How I can solve this problem? In this time i dont need contact form.
Best Regards,
Gytis 47
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-09-17
Hello GYTIS47,
Please, provide us with site URL.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-09-18
Dear Sirs,
This site in Lithuanian language
Viesai skelbiama info
Darbuotoju kontaktine informacija
Globos namu darbuotoju kontaktine informacija
For example Aleksas Vysniauskas
Field Contact no problem everything is OK
Field Contacf Form I dont need it
Field Other information dont work without enabling Contact form.
In this moment i need only fields Contact and Other information.
How i can turn off Contact form, but leaving Other information field?
How I can translate Contact, Contact Form and Other information fields to Lithuanian language?
Waiting for Your answer.
Best Regards,
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-09-18
Hello GYTIS47,
Sorry, your question is not related to template. Please ask your question in the Joomla forum : http://forum.joomla.org
Get an access to all 94 items designed and developed by AS Designing team plus all the future items
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Price starting from $59.00
How i can find module positions in this template?
Template manager in joomla 2,5,9 dont show module positions of this template.
I can find slider in this template.
Can you help me with this problem?
Best Regards,
All available module positions you can see here :
put Enable in Template Manager / Options / Preview Module Positions.
Regards, AS Team.
I can assign module possitions for this template.
When i want to assign module i can see modules in module manager.
Module manager only show earler template /beez5/ templates module positions.
Can You help me?
Also how i can assign slider module?
In Module Manager you can type module position manually.
Regards, AS Team.
Best Regards,
can You help me?
Refer Your demo template 002041
How i can make the same? It is very good variant for our web site.
Sorry for this question.
Best Regards,
We recommend to install quick start package for see all available functionality of current template.
Regards, AS Team.
I need more place for slider show in position-7.
How i can change dimesions for slide show module in position-7?
I need for ehample 727X484 pixels.
Waiting for Your answer.
Best Regards,
Sorry, we not able provide customization servises for free. Please contact us via our servises button with full explanation of your custommization project, and we will send your price for this job.
Thank you for understanding.
Regards, AS Team.
In contact module I can put aditional info in contact field "Other information".
This field only enabled when I enabling contact form.
How I can solve this problem? In this time i dont need contact form.
Best Regards,
Gytis 47
Please, provide us with site URL.
Regards, AS Team.
This site in Lithuanian language
Viesai skelbiama info
Darbuotoju kontaktine informacija
Globos namu darbuotoju kontaktine informacija
For example Aleksas Vysniauskas
Field Contact no problem everything is OK
Field Contacf Form I dont need it
Field Other information dont work without enabling Contact form.
In this moment i need only fields Contact and Other information.
How i can turn off Contact form, but leaving Other information field?
How I can translate Contact, Contact Form and Other information fields to Lithuanian language?
Waiting for Your answer.
Best Regards,
Sorry, your question is not related to template. Please ask your question in the Joomla forum : http://forum.joomla.org
Regards, AS Team.