Joomla! Template 002048 - Item Support

I installed 2048 with the sample data to build one of my new sites. On the 2048 template demo near the bottom you have an item with the name "Welcome to Us" that has an accordion style drop down on the left side with some text and a picture to the right of the accordion drop down.

This item appears to be in module position as-position-21. However when I visit the module manager I find nothing in that module position. If I search for the title I also find nothing. I checked content>articles and components as well and seem to find nothing referring to this module??

I must be missing something? Where is this module setup, what kind of module is it and why do I not find it?

Hello DOUGJ22,
It comes with article, the article name is Home Style 2 under category Home, here is the article source code:

<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span4">
<div class="toggle 1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.</div>
<div class="toggle_content 1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in posuere felis. Aliquam sed est augue, vitae suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit ac quam tristique sit amet scelerisque eros euismod.</div>
<div class="toggle 2">Maecenas lobortis, diameu malesuada tinci.</div>
<div class="toggle_content 2">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in posuere felis. Aliquam sed est augue, vitae suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit ac quam tristique sit amet scelerisque eros euismod.</div>
<div class="toggle 3">Phasellus lorem nisi, gravida indictum sit amet.</div>
<div class="toggle_content 3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in posuere felis. Aliquam sed est augue, vitae suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit ac quam tristique sit amet scelerisque eros euismod.</div>
<div class="toggle 4">Phasellus porttitor cursus nibh vitae commodo.</div>
<div class="toggle_content 4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in posuere felis. Aliquam sed est augue, vitae suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit ac quam tristique sit amet scelerisque eros euismod.</div>
<div class="toggle 5">Morbi commodo, sem ac tempus consequat orci.</div>
<div class="toggle_content 5">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in posuere felis. Aliquam sed est augue, vitae suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit ac quam tristique sit amet scelerisque eros euismod.</div>
<div class="toggle 6">Curabitur nisi odio, euismod in, consectetur.</div>
<div class="toggle_content 6">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in posuere felis. Aliquam sed est augue, vitae suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit ac quam tristique sit amet scelerisque eros euismod.</div>
<div class="span4">
<h2 class="item_title">Welcome to Us</h2>
<p class="home">Aliquam sedora est augue, vitaem suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit acquam tristique sit amet. Praesento ina posuere felis. Aliquam sedora est augue, vitaem suscipit consectetur.</p>
<p class="home">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris elementum orci at nibh eleifend cursus quis a enim. Pellentesque lacinia, urna sed consectetur aliquam, turpis dui posuere augue, non venenatis sem est sed felis.Pellentesque nec nulla in mi eleifend posuere aliquam et mauris!</p>
<div class="span4">
<p><img class="left" src="images/sampledata/as002048/home.3.jpg" alt="" /></p>

Regards, AS Team.
On the 2048 template I want to style the as-position-2 with the same background color as the "Why You Have Choose Our Designss" is on the demo. (like grey) Is there a module class suffix to do this? Is there a list of module class suffix for this and all templates?

Hello DOUGJ22,
No, we are not using class suffixes, any changes can be done in css files or you can create your own and put it in the style.custom.css file.

Regards, AS Team.
I just created a new menu item called "downloads and brochures" as an external URL and added two easy folder listing Pro items below it . One is called Public Library with an alias of "downloads" and the other is called members library with an alias of "members-library". When I click on these items from the main menu the URL shows as follows for the public library items and similarly for the members library.


Where does the "2015-01-26-58-16" part of the URL come from? That BTW is the date and time I created the external URL. I would rather name that something appropriate but I do not find an alias for that master menu item.

Hello DOUGJ22,
Unfortunately Joomla doesn't have alias field for external urls, but you can change it in database or first create a single article menu item and then change it to external url menu item.

Regards, AS Team.
On the AS2048 template is there a way to make page content use 100% the width of the page? I looked in template setting>Sidebar Configuration Parameters and the least I can set the left column bootstrap parameter to is 1. There is no option to set it to 0 to totally remove the left column.

Is it possible to have my main page content align all the way to the left of the templates default width?

Hello DOUGJ22,
You can remove the sidebar by unpublishing modules in positions 10,11,15,16 if you have such.
What is your site url please? What do you mean by 'align all the way to the left', we have to see your site in case to help you.

Regards, AS Team.
I have installed the 2048 template but would like to have a contact form in a module that slides out from either the top or side. Do any of your extensions allow for this?

Hello DOUGJ22,
Sorry, we do not have such.

Regards, AS Team.
I bought the AS2048 template a while back and have used it on a few sites now with great success. I like the template very much. I have installed some sites using the demo and some with just the template. Some of my sites have Unite revolution slider under components & modules to use to build the home page image slider near the page top while other sites do not show that component or module listed and I have to use AS slider which I do not care for as much (less flexibility). I suspect the difference has something to do with whether I installed the demo package or the template only but I am not sure. How can I get the unite revolution slider for the sites I do not currently see it listed on??

Hello DOUGJ22,
Please download the latest version from your AS account, the revolution slider you can find in the extensions folder, you can use it with this template only and cannot with any other.

Regards, AS Team.
What is the optimum size for creating images to use in unite revolution slider on this template? I have spent hours building an image for use in the slider only to find when I load the image only parts of it display in the unite slider.
Hello DOUGJ22,
Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package? If so, you can just replace images from the template slider with yours, here is one example of image used in the slider:

Regards, AS Team.
no quick start package installed and a complete new slider so I need to know the specs for building the images and I cannot find them anywhere
Hello DOUGJ22,
The images you can find in the quick-start package only in the following folder: 'images/sampledata/as002048/slider'.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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