Joomla! Template 002057 - Item Support

Ive purchased the following template for $29 and downloaded the template zip file, unziped the folder which now leaves we with a:

Documents folder
extensions folder
psd folder folder folder

Ive uploaded the file via the joomla upload/install function and i have uploaded all the extensions, but I'm trying to upload the file and i received the following error message:


JInstaller: :Install: Can't find Joomla XML setup file.
The Joomla package cannot be installed through the Extension Manager. Please use the Joomla! Update component to update Joomla.

I also note that the actual website does not look like the demo version either
Quick-start package cannot be installed via Extension manager, the package should be installed like regular Joomla installation. After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
the paid version of this template that i downloaded has files missing (.xml) aslo there is are no CSS folders ?
how can this template be uploaded then?
Just checked the package, everything inside, can you please let us know what exactly missed? Do you have any error messages?

Regards, AS Team.
can you please provide a step by step guide on how to upload the paid version of this template as your online documentation is out of date, within the purchased zip file there are two furtehr zipped files:

the template zip folder will load into joomla via the extensions manager portal / install where the template website looks like this:

so how do i now upload the quickstart file so our website looks like the actual template demo? as this will not upload via joomla extensions as an error occurs 'no css files'

there are no guidelines on your site to confirm what actions need to be done and how?

I will request a refund via Paypal is this is not sorted - thanks you
Quick-start package cannot be installed via Extension manager, the package should be installed like regular Joomla installation. After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.

The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, please carefully read the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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