Joomla! Template 002063 - Item Support

Hello I have just bought the 002063 Template. Everything worked fine so far. The only problem I struggle with is that the AS menu has two lines/columns on my page instead of just one line/column as in your demo. Since I haven't change menu items so far, it is your standard: Home, Services, About Us, Careers, Blog and Contact Us. What is wrong? Are there some settings. I couldn't find any setting on the AS menu Modul regarding column size. Thanks for any hints. Regards, Brigitte
Hello BUTZLI13,
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, yes i have installed the quickstart package as described in your docu.
The only thing I could not install was the template as it was already installed in the quickstart-package.
Here my output:

Thanks a lot for your help.
Regards, Butzli13

Hello BUTZLI13,
In the

file please find the following class (line 73) and delete it:

#as-menu > li + li
margin-left: 33px !important;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team, I deleted the line you mentioned and now it works!
Thanks a lot for your support - greatly appreciated.

Regards, Butzli13
I bought this template in end of 2014 and used it. Then I had no updates for a long time.
Now, I had to add several new pages. I am currently using JSN PageBuilder. I am aware that is more than a year but it's a bit annoying, and I had not claimed much during my purchase. I have some questions what I have discovered lately and to me it seems buggy:

- on my mobile phone (iPhone 6S) I don't have the "Go to Top" button. It seems to be a bug. On my iPad Mini works the "Go to Top" button perfectly.
- On the top menu: If I select a topic it hovers to red but only half in the demo version it hovers the full button bar in red. Is this something I can set up? On the template description is it like I have it.
- My template seem not to be fully responsive.
I had discovered on my iPad Mini the Top menu becomes a double bar and the next menu topic is on the next line. I remember that it was also a problem with my template on the desktop. It looks not really nice.
- The same thing with the footer menu. I have a three column footer: On the iPad Mini it wraps after 2 columns. It looks not really nice.
- On the smartPhone (iPhone 6S) it looks great!

It would great if you could go through my questions and maybe I can fix it with a little help.

I thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,

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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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