Joomla! Template 002063 - Item Support

Hello AS Team,

I have downloaded your template model and I would like to change the pictures for all the AS Art Slider.

I have checked the basic and advanced options and I did not find the way to change the link to my pictures files and then change the pictures..

How can I do this?
The extension allows you to display article's intro image with the article title and intro text. The extension documentation you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team,

Thank for your answer. I found the way and did the changes. Everything is OK, right now.

Anyway, I have a requested because I have downloaded my logo on the template AS002063 and I would like to know how I could remove the back grey picture behind my logo to have this part white.

I don't know how I can do it.

Is it possible to remove this picture from the CSS for having the back white and how?

Thank you for your consideration..
What is your site url please, we have to see your logo.

Regards, AS Team.

To be more efficient I have design a new logo with a transparent to keep your design and my friend is happy about the result.

I will let the logo with the transparent back..

Thank you for your help
Hello Team,

I try to set up the multilingual web site and I followed the step in the tuturial in your web site.

Anyway, I downloaded your quickstart version and now I could see my web site. It is blank, all is blank.

1. I set up the languages that I wanted as French and English
2. I Enabled the langague filter plug-in
3. I Added some articles in French. I let all the setting from the quickstart exemple after the downloaded.
4. I set up the different menu English and French and I let the Main Menu
5. All the element already installed were converted in english language that is to say I set up with the english langague.
6. Then I transfered all the category under the main category english
7. I have created the category french before.

When I refresh now my web site, it is blank.

I don't understand where is the problem and I ask for help.

I have set up an account for you to check where is the problem.
The web site url is :

Thank you if you can help me.. It will be very appreciated.

Have a good day!
For the installation services please use the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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