Joomla! Template 002066 - Item Support

I am trying to change the map in contact! Unfortunately i cannot.
Also from the main meny i went to "Componets" -> "Contacts" an when i edit the "Contact US" and specially the forms in tabs ["contact", "miscelaneous" etc] , after press the button save nothing happens. After this i went to database to the table "contact_details" and turned the fields manually.
unfortunatelly i cannot load mine map from google.
I edited the file \html\com_contact\contact\google_map.php and in the field src i put mine link like """src=""" but nothing happened.
What to do exactly to change the map in the site. i have already bought this template.
Thanks you in advance!
Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package? What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
exactly! I put the uzipped files under templates and i made the installation using the quick start package.
I don't have url from the site because i am working topically with wamp server.
I would appreciate any more ideas on how to change the map successfully.
You don't need to edit any code, everything should work just fine, to change the location you can using the plugin latitude and longitude parameters under location tab.
In case to help you with other problems we need an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking your installation. Sorry, we are not providing support if it is located on wamp server.

Regards, AS Team.
I would like in contact form from contacts to edit the name from the fields (Name, email and subject) and also i would like to add some more fields like address and zip code.
Where exactly in your template could do these changes? I would appreicate your help!
Best Regards.

Please provide us with URL via special info in Your AS Templates account.

Regards, AS Team.
I am working with the template topically in wamp server before upload it. I would appreciate if you could give give me some advice! Thank you in advance.

You can find it in Components / Contacts.

Regards, AS Team.
Not it is not in Components / Contacts.
So, if you go to the tab Contacts it has four text fields (Name, email, subject, and message).

If i go to Components / Contacts it look like this and you cannot edit there the name of these four text fields and also not add new text area boxes.

I would aprreciated if you could give me more advice on how exactly to rename the names of theese text boxes and add new!

Thanks you in advance
Best regards

Please, watch this tutorial, maybe it will help you :

Regards, AS Team.
I am trying to update joomla from 3.3.1 to jomla 3.6.8.
I put the extracted joomla downoaded files (by overwritting all other files) to www server but after finishing the update (both database fix) everything is fine except the bootstrap images (I mean the 3 images in the index slider).

Do you have any idea what's the wrong?

Thank you in advance.
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