Joomla! Template 002066 - Item Support

Hi there,

where can I change the link on the logo, placed on the splash page?
If you click it, it will always link to the splash page, but i want it to link to the .../home.html.

Thank you very much!

Hello ILLER13,
The link you can change by editing template's index.php file lines 115 and 120.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi guys,

where can I change the word "navigate to" in the responsive navigation?
I can't find it...

Thanks 13
Hello ILLER13,
You can change it in the
'modulesmod_as_menujsjquery.mobilemenu.js' file.

Regards, AS Team.
One more ;-)

Where can i change the "back-top" Button color?

thx 13
Hello ILLER13,
You can find it here: 'templates/as002066/images/up.arrow.png'

Regards, AS Team.
And the last one:

My facebook button doesn't change the color when i hover it. What have I deleted or done wrong?

thx 13
Hello ILLER13,
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.

the site is:
And yes I have installed the quick start guide.

Thx 13
Hello ILLER13,
You changed the color in the tmpl.default.css file in the following class:

#copyright-menu a:hover,
#copyright-menu li a:hover,
#copyright-menu li.current a,
#copyright-menu a
color: #CBA844;

Regards, AS Team.

can you please tell me, why my picture, which I uploaded in the contact form isn't responsive?

Didn't you created it all the way responsive?
Is there an easy css code maybe to solve this problem?

Sorry, it is ... you can delete my question!

Thx a lot!

I love the template!
Hello again,

how can I change the order of the products, how thex appear in a category?

Thank you
Hello ILLER13,
You can do it in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Products Menu Item -> Blog Layout tab

Regards, AS Team.
And again it's me.

In "Our family" you listed 3 people, I want to list 6.
But after 4 people there is automatically a page 2.
How can I get all 6 people on one page?

Thx 13
Hello ILLER13,
You have to change the number of articles in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Family Menu Item -> Blog Layout page.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS,

is it possible to activate a captcha field for the contact form?
And how and where can I activate it?

Thanks 13
Hello ILLER13,
Yes, it is possible, regarding reCAPTCHA activation please see the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

i had to make an re-installation, after my joomla version was hacked.
Now i have installed the newest version 3.6.0 but the AS Slider is not working. I just got the running circle ... I read about that problem, and there was a fix, but the link is not working. Can you please help me.
If that's running properly again, I'm finished with the new installation.

Thanks 13
Hello ILLER13,
Your license for downloading the item and receiving our support is expired, you can extend it from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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