i also have the issue when changing the footer or copyright text.
The result is a blanc page.
I removed the template and reinstall it.. same issue.
footer can be disabled.. but when a change the copywright text a blanc page.
POSTED: 2014-05-20
Can you send your site url and details to our supporting email. We'll see that issues on your site.
Templatemesh team
POSTED: 2014-05-23
i just send you the information true the general questions link below on your website.. when i need to use a other form or mail adres please tell my what / where..
i need to know what the issue is.. i need to build serveral sites with the same template for the client..
need the fix badly...
POSTED: 2014-05-24
We didn't get your details anywhere on our website from you. We have checked our TM Corporite site on our-side everything working fine that means we just changing the footer or copyright text and the result would be good.
So can you give your email and where you installed our template site details to us.
Kindly send your details to support@templatemesh.com
Templatemesh team
POSTED: 2014-05-24
Comment in status pending...
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
i also have the issue when changing the footer or copyright text.
The result is a blanc page.
I removed the template and reinstall it.. same issue.
footer can be disabled.. but when a change the copywright text a blanc page.
Can you send your site url and details to our supporting email. We'll see that issues on your site.
Templatemesh team
i just send you the information true the general questions link below on your website.. when i need to use a other form or mail adres please tell my what / where..
i need to know what the issue is.. i need to build serveral sites with the same template for the client..
need the fix badly...
We didn't get your details anywhere on our website from you. We have checked our TM Corporite site on our-side everything working fine that means we just changing the footer or copyright text and the result would be good.
So can you give your email and where you installed our template site details to us.
Kindly send your details to support@templatemesh.com
Templatemesh team
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.