Joomla! Template 002070 - Item Support

I have issue with as-slider
my website is
I tried to use the slider on other pages with no success ... I created new category under articles then created a single article under that category then went to modules section and created a as-slider module and assigned the article category to as slider
.. I also created a new menu and linked the menu to slider was issued and no luck .. No matter what I do, I cant get the slider work under different page. Slider only works under home page .. I also install a new slider component and assign the module as as-slider position and same thing no luck
.. Please help
Can you assign your home slider to other pages and check if it is working?

Regards, AS Team.
only works on home page .. I assigned the working homepage module to another page and no success.. slider doesn't work
Please be sure you assigned the slider to the menu items under Main Home menu and not under Main Sub menu.

Regards, AS Team.
We did and something no luck .. I add my administrator log in .. please take a look and let me know What I need to fix ..This slider started to drive me crazy
We need Super User permissions please.

Regards, AS Team.
I just got my user profile fixed under administration .. Please check my profile for up to date info
We assigned it under the main sub menu and everything is working fine.

Regards, AS Team.
The home slider works only on certain pages...I want to display single image banner on as-slider position. That is all I want ...
It took long time trying to figure out with no success.. There is and issue with position as-slider ... ...I created a custom html module with a single image banner and assigned the module to as-slider position and the module doesn't display the image under as-slider position
To test please create an single article and try to assign any module under as-slider position and yo will see that it is not working ..

By the way the website is password protected the username and password is under my profile

We checked your site, it work just fine. See module id = 152, assigned to both About Us menus in position as-slider.

Regards, AS Team.
ok it works under about us .. same module is assigned to request a quote menu

as you see it does not work under that section ..

Please, check it now.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 5 Product
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