Joomla! Template 002085 - Item Support

Hi there,

How do I change the scroll speed of the template? Scrolling is lighting fast on my MacBook and the site unusable like that.
Hello GTSW57H!G,
Sorry, not quite understand the problem, can you please provide us with more info, as well please let us know your site url.

Regards, AS Team.
That you for responding that fast.

Well when I surf every other page the scrolling on my trackpad (MacBook Pro 2015) is normal but with this template I do the slightest move with my finger and I scroll down the entire page. It's super sensitive and very hard to scroll slowly. It is not limited to my site, it is happening with the live demo here as well.
Other templates don't seem to have this problem. The demo of 002032 for example works just fine, just 002085 doesn't.

Another issue I ran into is the transition of the menu-row in the header on an iPhone 6s. On a laptop it looks amazing, on the iPhone it is bucking or shaking when you are slowly scrolling down before it suddenly disappears. Again that happens with the live demo as well so it should not be specific to my page. If you have trouble reproducing that I'd be happy to provide a short video clip showing what I'm talking about.

Hello GTSW57H!G,
What is your site url please? We need to see your site source code in case to help you.

Regards, AS Team.
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