Joomla! Template 002027 - Item Support

Hi. I had few issues on my site that are listed below. I did not know what exactly is causing the problem but when I assigned different template to my site these problems were done. Now I need your help to fix these probs.
1. When clicked - Add New Products- on the right side menu On the new page you will see horizontal menu ( Home, customers , catalog, etc. ) The dropdown menu for these menu items showing up incomplete. Exmp. When you go over Catalog with your mouse, New and Items appear ( 2 levels only). It also should have Categories, options , etc. My guess is that template restricting the menu functionality. I do not know how to fix it.

2. On the same page you will see vertical menu General, Photos, Delivery, etc. This menu should be horizontal.
3. On the main page I have put search module (Position -2). When you pick category or vendor and click search. Results appear all the way down. I want them appear on top just like when you click on any other menu.

I also bought Matrix template and there we could modify template and save it and assign it to different pages. It would be great if we could do the same with this template. I may provide you with my joomla admin info if necessary.

Hope to read from you soon. Thanks.
Can you please provide us with your site url? We would like to see the issue.

Regards, AS Team.
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subscribe as a vendor to be able to use user menus where the problem is.
We are sorry, we are not able to support third-party extensions for free, you have contact the extension developer or ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.
But the problem is with template. and I bought it from you. I already contacted the other extension provider. We tested the site with another free template and everything was working fine with that template.
Your extension doesn't have css, we are not able to develop css for all available extensions. It's like you bought some device for your vehicle and it doesn't work by some reason, who you will contact in this case? Thank You for understanding.

Regards, AS Team.
Do you mean that the template I bought from you comes as is and if I have some problems there is nothing to do ? Or are you talking about the product or extension I installed inside your template. The third party developer.
I am confused because you are the first extension developer who is being so unhelpful. I was expecting that you will at least guide me through how to play with sizes and positions of the template.
It depends on the problem, you asked for extension customization which is not included in the default installation package.
We glad to help you install the template so it will looks exact like our demo preview, all other changes you have make by yourself or ask for our services. Please see our Terms of Use for more info. Thank You for understanding.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I would like to translate title ( Heading of the site). I have falang installed for translations but it does not allow template translation. Is there any way to translate the logo section wherethere it is image or text?
We are sorry, there is no such option.

Regards, AS Team.
I would like the side menu style to be sliding with submenu ( tree menu or like a top menu). Also make logo translatable.
See my site:
Will you be able to customize it for extra cost? If not could you at least tell me which file I should play with to change the side menu style?
You have ask for our services in this case:

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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