hi i have a problem with image slider, when choosing display only home page, it does not work anywhere else on my site, but if i choose not only home page then everything is fine. how can I make image slider to work only on home page of my site?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-01-11
Is you home page contains featured articles? If not please enable.
POSTED: 2012-01-11
yes my home page have content.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-01-11
Which content has your home page? It should contain featured articles, please check this, it's very important.
POSTED: 2012-01-12
content of my home page consists of text, a menu of the site chosen as the home page, in materials category called homepage. what else to do, I do not understand (
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-01-12
Your home page should contain featured articles, please check it.
Please refer to the Jomla documentation regarding how to create a page with featured articles.
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Please refer to the Jomla documentation regarding how to create a page with featured articles.