Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Question, I am pretty new to designing sites, and am sort of lost when it comes to filling in a template. I really am shooting for something similar to the demo site that accompanies this template.

I first dont understand how to get the main company logo to move from the right side of the screen to the left, also I do not see how to implement the slide show feature that the demo has.

I have the template installed into Joomla and am hosting via bluehost.
Any help would be appreciated.
Have you installed the site using quick-start package? If no, and you 'pretty new to designing sites' our suggest is install it with quick-start. After installing, please provide us with your site url, we will check it and let you know how to move your company logo.

Regards, AS Team.
The URL is if you needed that info.
It is bare right now, Still cant figure out how to implement the slider into the page, or move the main logo to the left side like the DEMO page here.
Please install the template using the quick-start package, it is not easy to config the template manually. After installing we will check it and let you know how to move your company logo.

Regards, AS Team,
How do I get the quickstart on there?
I already installed the non-quickstart version.. but joomla will not let me delete it. When I try to just install the quickstart version it acts like it installs, but doesnt do anything beyond that.
You have uninstall the installed version, there is no other way.

Regards, AS Team.
Maybe you guys can help..
When I take the and just try to upload it via the extension manager it acts like it installs..
I go to my template manager..and its not there?
You can't install it via extension manager, you have install it like regular Joomla installation.
A quickstart is basically a fully functional and customized Joomla! package containing the default Joomla installation package, all modules, choosen template and plugins with all the configurations and data in one place.
Please see the template documentation for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Ive done some research on the process of a quickstart installation. However I am still lost.
I have the extracted on my local machine.
I am unaware of where I need to place it on my site.
I placed the contents of the quickstart in the public_html folder but still do not know what to do after that. I tried navigating to but just get an error.
Help appreciated. If i need to give someone access to my Joomla CPanel I will. I just need this quickstart package up and ready to go.
Yes, please provide us with an access to cPanel, the connection info you can put in your comment, we will not publish it.

Regards, AS Team.
Good news. Got the template up.
Couple additional questions.
Where do I go to edit the main logo? And where do I edit the slideshow extension?
The main logo you can change using the Template parameters -> Header Configuration Parameters.
The slider can be found and edited in the Joomla Module Manager -> AS Slider in position slider.

Regards, AS Team.
I had to create a new account because I forgot all of my login information for my old account.....
Wait..looks like I got signed into my old account..
This is "DaveS01"

We don't see any purchased items under user 'DaveS01'.

Regards, AS Team.
There are purchased items under this account..

My main problem now seems to be that when I paste HTML code in for a paypal button the button appears enlarged and pixelated..

We think it is because you have not css for the button.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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