My mistake, you gave the answer already. But now another problem. On the front page is on pos 21/22 the word Welcome. I like to change that in Welkom.
regards Gjalt
AS Templates
POSTED: 2016-06-27
The 'Welcome' title you can delete/edit in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Home Menu item under Page Display tab please see Page Heading parameter.
Hi again. I looking for the typography documentation for this template. A complete list of icons with their names for "Link CSS Styles" like "icon-facebook", "icon-twitter".... etc?
I need to view all the Typology with this template similar to this document here Thanks
Hello TRIP278,
The template is built using Boostrap framework, we are using the same version like Joomla use:
The bootstrap documentation you can see here:
Hello TRIP278,
The template is built using Boostrap framework, we are using the same version like Joomla use:
The bootstrap documentation you can see here:
Regards, AS Team.
This doesn't seem to be the correct list since the icons for Facebook, Twitter, google+ and linked-in you guys used on this template are not in the list you provided. The other link from Joomla docs does not help either since no icons and style names are there.
Where is the icon list / style names you used at the bottom middle of this page: ? Where are all the other icons that belong to these same icon groups?
Where is the icon list / style names you used at the bottom middle of this page: ? Where are all the other icons that belong to these same icon groups?
I don't see an answer to the above question. Maybe you missed it?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2016-07-04
Hello TRIP278,
All available icons you can find in the 'templates/as002032/css/bootstrap.css' file, please make search for: 'icon-'
Am installing Joomla template using quick-start on local host. Everything has gone well until I get to the 1st Joomla installation page on configuration.
After imputing site name, admin email, username and passwords, I cannot go to the next step which is database. And there is no response and no any errors. It is simply not responding.
Please help
AS Templates
POSTED: 2016-07-14
Can you install default Joomla installation package from website?
Yes with default Joomla installation package, it's working alright. it's the quick start that came with the template that is not responding. I have no idea why...
AS Templates
POSTED: 2016-07-14
We think you have to increase PHP memory limit and execution time on your local server. In the php.ini file please find and increase values for memory_limit and max_execution_time parameters.
I increased the memory_limit and the max_execution_time and luckily it worked I moved to the database.
Now the issue is I cannot connect to the database am getting the error "Could not connect to the database. Connector returned number: Could not connect to MySQL."
I have cross checked my host name which is "localhost", username "root" password - and the database name. and still nothing
AS Templates
POSTED: 2016-07-14
Sorry, in this case we are not able to help you, try to install the package on your live server.
Hi, I use this template for Many Years now - Version is still 3.03. Now I wanted to update to the actual Version 4.0.2. I just modified some CSS Stylesheets, they seem to be quiet the same except the changes I made.
What is the rigth way to update the Template and the modules? In Joomla I cannot find a soltution to simply update a Template or the Modules?
Thanks an best regards
AS Templates
POSTED: 2016-08-18
Unfortunately Joomla does not have an option of updating templates. The template should be updated manually by coping all files or just changed on your server via FTP.
The list of updated files you can find here:
I just installed your template 002032, but there are many warning here:
Depends on what?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2016-10-27
You do not need to worry about all these notices. You can disable them in your Joomla admin panel -> Global configurations -> Server Settings panel by changing the Error Reporting parameter to 'None'.
There are known problems with the template AS 002032 and the version 3.6.4 of Joomla? In the backend I have problems during open a module.The system gets into a endloos loop it seems. No problems in the forehand.
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My mistake, you gave the answer already. But now another problem. On the front page is on pos 21/22 the word Welcome. I like to change that in Welkom.
regards Gjalt
The 'Welcome' title you can delete/edit in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Home Menu item under Page Display tab please see Page Heading parameter.
Regards, AS Team.
View History
I need to view all the Typology with this template similar to this document here Thanks
The template is built using Boostrap framework, we are using the same version like Joomla use:
The bootstrap documentation you can see here:
Regards, AS Team.
View History
The template is built using Boostrap framework, we are using the same version like Joomla use:
The bootstrap documentation you can see here:
Regards, AS Team.
View History
The template is built using Boostrap framework, we are using the same version like Joomla use:
The bootstrap documentation you can see here:
Regards, AS Team.
This doesn't seem to be the correct list since the icons for Facebook, Twitter, google+ and linked-in you guys used on this template are not in the list you provided. The other link from Joomla docs does not help either since no icons and style names are there.
Where is the icon list / style names you used at the bottom middle of this page: ? Where are all the other icons that belong to these same icon groups?
View History
I don't see an answer to the above question. Maybe you missed it?
All available icons you can find in the 'templates/as002032/css/bootstrap.css' file, please make search for: 'icon-'
Regards, AS Team.
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como puedo agregar mas de cuatro temas en la galeria?
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Am installing Joomla template using quick-start on local host. Everything has gone well until I get to the 1st Joomla installation page on configuration.
After imputing site name, admin email, username and passwords, I cannot go to the next step which is database. And there is no response and no any errors. It is simply not responding.
Please help
Can you install default Joomla installation package from website?
Regards, AS Team.
View History
Yes with default Joomla installation package, it's working alright. it's the quick start that came with the template that is not responding. I have no idea why...
We think you have to increase PHP memory limit and execution time on your local server. In the php.ini file please find and increase values for memory_limit and max_execution_time parameters.
Regards, AS Team.
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I increased the memory_limit and the max_execution_time and luckily it worked I moved to the database.
Now the issue is I cannot connect to the database am getting the error "Could not connect to the database. Connector returned number: Could not connect to MySQL."
I have cross checked my host name which is "localhost", username "root" password - and the database name. and still nothing
Sorry, in this case we are not able to help you, try to install the package on your live server.
Regards, AS Team.
View History
What is the rigth way to update the Template and the modules? In Joomla I cannot find a soltution to simply update a Template or the Modules?
Thanks an best regards
Unfortunately Joomla does not have an option of updating templates. The template should be updated manually by coping all files or just changed on your server via FTP.
The list of updated files you can find here:
Regards, AS Team.
View History
I just installed your template 002032, but there are many warning here:
Depends on what?
You do not need to worry about all these notices. You can disable them in your Joomla admin panel -> Global configurations -> Server Settings panel by changing the Error Reporting parameter to 'None'.
Regards, AS Team.
View History
There are known problems with the template AS 002032 and the version 3.6.4 of Joomla? In the backend I have problems during open a module.The system gets into a endloos loop it seems. No problems in the forehand.