Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

My God... Thank you :)
Hi AS Team,

I don't know why, but dropdown menu doesn't work for me at all.
Show sub-menu items - Yes.
I've tried 2 of your free templates (002032 and 002035) with Joomla 1.7 and 2.5 - it doesn't work or submenu items are visible all the time:(

And I'm sure i have set up the menu correctly, because it works with other templates. Do you know where the problem can be ?
Hello thror000,
There is no submenu in free templates, sorry.

Regards, AS Team.
My wife bought the 002032, and for some reason the drop downs do not work unless you actually click on the top nav button first. How do I fix so that if you hover on the top nav the drop downs work auto.
Hello meangreen7,
Sorry, you have to login with your wife's account and provide us with an URL, we will check the issue and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there, great template. We have purchased it and started to do our site immidietly.

Thought, I have a question to ask. Homepage has Featured Articles and Main Menu Item, which contains 5 articles containing news. However, when ever we choose Featured Articles as default menu item, template goes crazy. I would like to now if we are making wrong config.

You can check it there. Looking forward to your answer.
Hello wotws1905,
We checked your site, it looks fine, can you please let us more info about the problem? Thank You.

Regards, AS Team.
Is it possible to change the width of this template? I want to buy the template but would like to reduce the width to about 940px
Hello TonyKay,
This template doesn't have such parameter, you will need to make changes in css files by your self.

Regards, AS Team.
I getting error on my local server. help
Non-static method JSite::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context

Hello johndovar,

Sorry, we can't help you in this case because it is installed on your localhost, there are some problems with your PHP settings. Sorry again.

Regards, AS Team.
how can we change the dimensions of the slider?
Hello wotws1905,
Can you please provide us with your site URL, we will check and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello wotws1905,
You have made changes in the 'templates/as002032/slider/css/slider.css' file, in the #slideshow and #slideshow #slider.
As well, you will need to change the bg.slideshow.png image from the images folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi team,

Is there any easy way to centre my div boxes. I am trying margin-left and margin-right: auto but nothing is working.

Please see my site:


Did you try text-align:center; or margin: 0px auto 0px auto;
In which module position you need centralize your divs?

Regards, AS Team.
I changed bg.slideshow.png but still could not find how to change dimensions?
Hello WOTWS1905,
Did you find the 'templates/as002032/slider/css/slider.css' file?
Have you changed the width in the #slideshow and #slideshow #slider classes?

Regards, AS Team.
Purchased template AS002032 and am trying to setup a different jQuery slide show module called Slideshow CK that has been tested and worked in other templates, but it will not run with this template and the background slide image will not center. I tried another mootool slide module called DJ Imageslider and it will work but still problem will background image and slideshow not centering. My preference is to use Slideshow CK because it provides a pause function and shows thumbnails.

The testing url is Images in the slideshow have not been sized.

Any assistance will be helpful,
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