Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hello gRRubasek,
Can you please contact us through the 'Contact Us' page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel? We would like to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi I had a few questions about this template before I buy it.

Question 1:- In the demo website of this template the size of the images are 984x234. I have pictures which are 1150x450 pixels. Is it possible to increase the size of the slider? Are there any controls in the Joomla admin console to do this, or one needs to modify the CSS files to do this? Note I am interested specifically to know if I can INCREASE the SIZE of the SLIDER itself.

Question 2:- The slider news module that comes free along with this template, does it support only ONE news item or can we publish more than one news Item?

Question 3:- The slider news module, does it support "Hyperlink" feature so that when some on clicks on the sliding news it can take the user to a new page?

Question 4:- The price of $19 is for one domain, I will have a production instance as well as a Test instance where the organization for whom I am developing the website will test the functionality of the site, should I buy another license for the Test environment, anyway I will scrap the test environment once the User acceptance is finished.


Hello devjoomlademo,

1. There are no controls, you will need to make changes in css files by yourself.
2. We used marque element to show news, this is not an extension.
3. When you will create a news, you have to close it in <a> tag in case to make a link.
4. The price of $19.00 is for one domain only, you don't need to purchase additional license if you are working on localhost, for the test environment you will need to provide us with an URL.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Guys sorry for taking time to reply...
I looked and I dont have
( templates/as002032/html/com_contact/contact/default.php file.)
there is no com_contact folder on the server or in the downloaded files I have..??

All I have in the HTLM folder is : com_users and mod_search..

PLZ help.. lolll

Thanks guys!!
Hello wonderblunt,
Sorry, it should be in the:

Regards, AS Team.
Awesome Guys..!!
Worked like a charm..!!!

Thanks again for all the help..!!
Currently on my website, I use the below free extensions/modules/plug-ins. Does this template support all of them, if not what substitute do you recommend to use with your template?


Google Maps:-



Lof Accordion :-

Hello devjoomlademo,
Sorry we are not able to support all extensions. You are welcome to download our free version and test them.

Regards, As Team.
Hi Guys..!!
I was wondering if it's possible to add the shadow pictures under the breadcrumbs bar, it looks a bit boring..loll

Thanks as always..!
Hello, I am having trouble assigning child menu items in this template. On my site I have a "listings" menu item and currently have "portland metro" as a child item but it does not display. Do I need to enable something in the admin for drop down menus? Please advise, thanks!!!
Hello davidklatt,
Please check the following article, step 7:

Regards, AS Team.
That worked, thanks!!!
Hi how do I go about incerting the shadow pictures under the breadcrumbs bar.
Hello wonderblunt,
Do you mean like on the demo? If so, we created a page with 4 featured articles, here is a content of the Unique Design article:

<img src="images/sampledata/as002032/img.quarter.1.png" alt="" title="" width="230"height="140" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales venenatis nulla eget porttitor. Pellentesque dui sapien, pharetra sed iaculis cursus, mattis quis nisl. Vivamus blandit felis vitae purus imperdiet ut malesuada lacus aliquam.</p>

<hr id="system-readmore" />
<p><img src="images/sampledata/as002032/img.quarter.1.png" alt="" class="left" />
Curabitur sit amet molestie enim. Morbi convallis imperdiet diam, id varius est ultrices non. Nunc massa erat, convallis id facilisis nec, adipiscing sed orci. Vivamus ultricies elementum arcu, in vehicula erat mollis nec. In ut lorem sit amet leo bibendum dapibus. Integer eu nunc nunc, et blandit nibh. Morbi dignissim ultrices auctor. Mauris convallis auctor tellus sit amet facilisis. Aenean nisi elit, condimentum quis consequat at, egestas at lacus. Vestibulum in laoreet nibh. Etiam ut vehicula felis. Duis congue facilisis odio a faucibus. Duis sollicitudin malesuada augue quis bibendum. Donec quis nibh lacus. Suspendisse mi enim, accumsan in venenatis ac, rutrum eget risus.

Regards, AS Team.

I have a problem with installing the purchased product (002 032 - Premium Version - Regular License). Joomla does not respond when I push the button Upload & Install ... I use the Extension Manager correctly. My cms system is a Joomla 2.5.4, I tried Joomla 1.7 too... It's very strange, other templates I install without a problem! Please help.
Hello klooska,
What kind of error msg are you receiving? Did you unzip the package before installation?

Regards, AS Team?
How do I put in the favicon?
Hello Bob53207,
You have upload it via FTP on your server in the templates/as002032 folder.

Regards, AS Team.
i bought you'r template (002032) twice, and i see after installed, the drop menu doesnt work, only with active menu. So i see other main menu item, i dont see drop menu.. Example: main menu names: one, two, one menu submenus: alpha, beta.. and i read two main menu, i dont see one main menu submenus.. why? this is wrong :(
this problem is that the default is, but i dont see this problem your testpage.. ( )
i bought your template (002022), and this problem, no problem :) works well :)
thanks for answers
Hello szeor77,
We think you not enabled it, please check the following page, step 7:

Regards, AS Team.
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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