Joomla! Template 002034 - Item Support

Hi, can you send me your settings (googlemaps) - template as002034. Thank you
B/R -RK -
The plugin documentation you can find on the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
OK, thank you. But how can I get my address to position-19 in menu CONTACT next google map?
You have put it in the Google Map plug-in, in Joomla admin panel go to:
Extensions -> Plugin Manager, find Google Maps plug-in, open it, in the Direction Settings -> Title Direction put your address in the following way:

<div class='companyaddress'>
Your Company Name, Inc. <br>
17600 Yonge St, <br>
Newmarket, ON, L3Y 4Z1 <br>

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I'm testing the free version on J 1.7.5 and 2.5.1 but as soon as I add images into the text the layout goes ”crazy”. Is there any known bug? Is that happening because I'm using the free version? Does anybody else is experiencing the same issue?

Hello Lucamarino,
We don't have any problems with using images in this template, as example you can use the source code of the demo pages.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for ur quick reply. Actually I always add contents by typing the HTML code, but this time is not working...well is not working properly :[ that's too bad because I'd really like to use that tmplt. So u r confirming that there's no bugs, aren't u?

Right now, while I was replying to you, I created an article to show you, and guess what? Is working fine. That's wierd. The only thing I changed is the site status (from offline to online), I guess that the problem was there in some way. Anyway, is not a problem anymore.

Let me ask you another little question: I had some problem with loadposition and loadmodule as well, do you know if is a J or template problem?

Thank you again for you quick support.


PS if you like to take a look at the test go to but it still needs a lot of work.
Hello Lucamarino,

Sorry, what exact do you mean by: 'loadposition and loadmodule'

Regards, AS Team.
When you write an article you can load a module (or alla the modules that are in a certain position e.g. user1, top, etc) by adding this: {loadmodule xxx} or {loadposition xxx}.

I'm sure you knew that and it's my english that is not so good (I'm italian)

Hi Lucamarino,
We sure it have to be done by some extension, it can't be done in the template.

Regards, AS Team.
That's too bad...I already installed an extension to do so.

Thank you very much for your support! You are very professional, kind and patient.

Best regards
When I try to uplaod the template into jommla 2.5 I get the following message?

Could not find an XML setup file in the package
Hello solo12002,
You have unzip it before installation, please see template documentation for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
I have unziped the file etc I am still geting the following message:

Could not find an XML setup file in the package
Hello solo12002,
Can you please contact us through the 'Contact Us' page and provide with access to the Joomla admin panel? We would like to see the problem.

Regards, AS Team.
Bonjour, Comment mettre le texte de la page d'accueil dans la position 12 OU comment ne mettre que le module HTLM Personnalisé sans qu'il y est d'articles en dessous? Template - 002034



Roland Arnal
Je vous joint ma page d'essai. je ne veux pas l'article en dessous du module personnalisé :


Hello Cheepewa,
Sorry, please, English only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, How can the text of the Home Page In Position 12
The Custom HTML module or without there east to articles Bottom? Model - 002034

I attached my test page. je ne Veux Pas article in Bottom of customized module: Thank

Roland Arnal
Hello Cheepewa,

Please read the following article:

This article contains source code example for module position-12 with 'Read more' button.

Regards, AS Team.
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