Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support


how can I activate the submenu items in my main menu. In the main module I have set "show submenu items" to yes, but it doesn't show, also not with mouse over.

Hello WASSIE007,

Sorry, free template doesn't have such option.

Regards, AS Team.
hello AS Team,

We have bought the premium version, so that should support the submenu. Can you please tell me why it doesn't work?

I would also like to know why the "notify me when a comment is posted" isn't working, because I didn't get any notify.

Hello WASSIE007,

Please contact us through the 'Contact Us' page and provide with PayPal transaction number.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,
Can you please tell me how can I dowload the free version of the this product (Item Name: 002036) in order to try it?
Thank you!

see :

Regards, AS Team.
I want to ask you to give as much information you can regarding the two different menus one for the splash screen and one for the rest of the site.I cannot understand how can i create these two menus and make work like your demo site.I cannot provide you with a link due to my site is now locally build with wamp.i saw that a lot of people are asking about this.I have purchased the template and i want to use it as soon as possible.
Any information will be much appreciated

Next update with quick start package will be soon.

Regards, AS Team.
We have updated the template with a quickstart installation package which will help you install the template so it will looks exact like the demo preview. Please see the following article for more info:

The latest release you can download from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
I have purchased this template but the installation wizard doesn't work.. it gets me straight to the final step and asks to remove the installation folder? Can i at least have the sql dump file to proceed the semi-manual installation?
Hello POLDAM1983,
Sorry for that, please delete the configuration.php file from the root folder and run installation one more time.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello POLDAM1983,
We have updated the quickstart package, our suggestion is download it from your AS account and install one more time, it should work now without any problems, we are sorry for any inconvenience.

Regards, AS Team.
I am trying to install the as002036_quickstart but i am following the following situation:
Steps i follow in order to proceed with the installation:
1. installation is locally using wamp
2.Extract the zip file into the folder i have create ex. c:/wamp/www/joomla
3. open my browser typing localhost/joomla
4.instead of seeing the first screen of the installation procedure where i have to choose which language i prefer i get the final screen of the installation where a message prompts me to delete the installation folder otherwise i cannot proceed.
5. i cannot access the site or the administrator and if i delete the installation folder i get an error message.
Any information will be much appreciated.
Sorry for that, please delete the configuration.php file from the root folder and run installation one more time.

Regards, AS Team.
We have updated the quickstart package, our suggestion is download it from your AS account and install one more time, it should work now without any problems, we are sorry for any inconvenience.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much for your quick and prompt reply.One of the best support ever face.
You're welcome!

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name: 002036
Hello AS Team.

I am trying to center the menu on the splash page, any ideas?

Can You please provide with your site URL? We have to see it.

Regards, AS Team.


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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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