Joomla! Template 002051 - Item Support

how to force the presentation of products per row and by 4 and removing the choice of presentations ?
Thank You
The template doesn't have such option, it should be developed, you may ask for our services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
VirtueMart has just released version 2.6 for Joomla 2.5 which is also going to be the basis for the upcoming VM 3.0 and Joomla 3.x. Is it safe to update to VM 2.6 for this template? I updated to 2.0.26d which was went fine.
Hello GCARNE01,

You can test it, but do not forget about backup.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello GCARNE01,
Sorry, please wait with the upgrade, we found some bugs.

Regards, AS Team.
How can I translate the vmcart_header fields LOGIN FORM, BILLING & SHIPPING INFORMATION and ORDER INFORMATION to my installed language de-DE? I cannot find those fields/components when searching in Joomla Language Manager Overrides. VirtueMart developers say it is not hard coded by VirtueMart, but may be so by the template designers. This is a rather critical issue. I cannot have views in German with a few and in this case important fields in English.
Hello GCARNE01,

You can edit code in :




Regards, AS Team.
Worked nicely. Thank you.
Joomla admin => Components => VirtueMart => Shop => Shop => Shopper information

What is the purpose of this view?
It is filled with data from astemplates. What does it do and/or allow?
Who is the "shopper" in this view? Shop owner, customer, what?
It cannot be changed. Is that correct? If anything, should it not contain webshop owner information?
Hello GCARNE01,

Please read following article :

Regards, AS Team.

In the Bill-To address at checkout and in the order confirmation, the customer's email address is shown above the name. That does not look good. Can it be removed from these places? If it is a change in a php-file, pleas note path, file name and if possible, the exact change.

Gunnar Carne
Hello GCARNE01,
Yes, it can be done, but our support team can't help you in this case, it should be checked by our developers, you can ask for our customization services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

The template was delivered with a shipment method Free Shipping. I created a new shipping method with a different name and deleted Free Shipping. The site has the languages English and German. The deleted shipping method Free Shipment shows up as option when the user goes to Select Shipment and is on the site in English. In German this is not the case and it works as I want it to (only one shipment method and no selection required). In the backend Free Shipping does not show up. Is it possible to get rid of the shipment method Free Shipping or can it be brought back from the garbage collector and set as unpublished?

Gunnar Carne

My question above of 2014-04-25 has been resolved.
hello , i'm downlaod this template but it doesn't work can you give me all the step to a correctly download please?
Hello IMEN066,
Can you please let us more info about this problem? What exactly not working.

Regards, AS Team.
when i download this template i'm open the zip file , and when i go to index the navigator show me white page.
Hello IMEN066,
You don't need to open the zip file, you have to install it via Joomla admin panel, please see the template documentation for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
please i have anothere question i don't understed english very well so this documentation is difficult to , how i can find the page of " joomla! installation" directely.can you give the steps from a to z , thank you for your time.
Hello IMEN066,
We are sorry, we can't help you in this case, but you can use Google translator, or ask for our installation services.

Regards, AS Team.
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