Joomla! Template Lyn Recipes PT - Item Support


Thank you for your respons. I got the reservation-form in Dutch now (after some extra translations in the configuration-file.

Only the Contact-form stays in Englisch. Is there still another thing I have to change?

Kind Regards,
Thank you. Great support.
hello, i tried installing the quickinstall package and i get the following message:

hello, i am getting this information when i try to install the quickinstall Warning JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file
Hi, thank you for this great template
I actualy meet problems with the responsive on iphone and ipad.
On iphone the slideshow is making the navigation very hard, it is moving from high to down all the time.
On ipad the slideshow is OK but the Unite Revolution Slider isn't visible on the page, you have to move the screen on the left.
Any tip to fix that ? What are the right parameter ? I couldn't see how it is with the demo template because it is not set in responsive.
Thank you for your help and sorry for bad english ...
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you can check this page as well

a part of the content is completly on the right (you have to slide the screen on the left)

on iphone, the problem is the moving effect from high to down, which made the navigation realy hard
Comment in status pending...

It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.

I have a problem with this template. I updated joomla to 3.2.0, now the jsn uniform module works but if I want to modify a parameter or create a new form I see a blank pages.
What can I do?

Best regards
Sorry to insist, did you receive my mail ? any chance to fix the problem ?
best regards !
Hello, if i buy the Template "Lyn Recipes" can i use the example pictures of the template for my Webpage ?
how i have to install the template to come with all the same web pages, links, and content... as the live demo?

I saw the update of your template, but jns uniform still doesn't correctly. There is an update but i need username and password for do it, and in the update package there is the old version of this module.
What can I do?

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Item Name:
Lyn Recipes PT
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product

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