Joomla! Template 002064 - Item Support

Thank you, AS TEMPLATES! Replaced the folder "phpmailer" on the downloaded archive with joomla 3.3 (, but it did not help .. Site URL:
Hello FORD08707,
Our suggestion was to install fresh Joomla in some demo folder and try to send email.

Regards, AS Team.
I want to know why the module's menu does not work in responsive mode, is supposed to switch to menu selector when viewed in Mobile version. My site is as follows

Hello ALCAS76,
We are sorry, we can't preview your site due to error 404. BTW, have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Hmm, the same error. Tell me, what can be is connected, this error?
Hello FORD08707,
It means it is not a problem with Joomla or template, there is some kind of problem with your hosting provider, some providers blocks phpmail function due to spam reason, try to test your site with another provider.

Regards, AS Team.
It was not possible install using the quick-start installation package because I get the error that lacked the XML configuration file, so I just install the template and i started to insert contents and modules. You can preview the site right now,

Hello ALCAS76,
It seems you made some changes in the template's index php file, for example you added 'aslider-container', you have to install all extensions in appropriate positions accordingly to the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Yes i did it. why i can´t install the template using the quick-start installation package, this is the error message: JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file.
Hello ALCAS76,
Because the quick-start package already has Joomla, the package should be installed like regular Joomla installation it can't be installed via Extension manager, please carefully read the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.

I'm having problem with map on the contact us section. I managed to implement location and marker label but zoom control and street view not showing on my Google map? Any hint? I googled and tried everything but nothing helps so far?

Thx in advance,
The Google map plugin documentation you can find on the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

In the quickstart demo the text which appears on the home page over the background picture of a truck is using the revolution slider.

And the AS Slider is published in the same position, but does not display anything. The articles it is supposed to use do not have any header images.
Is this the reason it does not do anything?

Thank You
In both cases, revolution and as art slider extensions show text only.

Regards, AS Team.

Okay so to get the images to display in the images section of the articles for slider I had to go and select the main image again as it didn't seem to know where they were.

They now show the thumbnail when you mouse over the eye in the images section of each article. However on the front page it still only shows a small wheel spinning and no image or text is displayed

In this template in sliders we used blank/transparent image, to change the main truck image, you have to make changes in the tmpl.default.css file in the following class:

background-attachment: fixed;
background-image: url("../images/bg.header.jpg");
background-position: center top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
left: 0;
position: relative;
top: 0;

Regards, AS Team.

You said "In this template in sliders we used blank/transparent image"

In the AS slider where is the setting for these blank transparent image.

In the AS slider settings it uses a category of articles called "slider"

It also says to use the main article image.

The main article image for the articles in the slider category is not transparent.

Thank You

The extension displays article's intro image with the article title and intro text, the intro image is: images/sampledata/asimage/slider/blank.gif

Regards, AS Team.
Also as I said before the AS Slider does not show anything in the Home 2 example just a spinning wheel.

Thank You
Hummm. Just paid for the template and it seems the more money a person spends, the less they get. Horrible directions. I use a server that has Softaculous so I can install Joomla right from the cPanel. This template leaves me in the void between quick start and just the template upload. nothing is easy at all about getting the template to simply look like the demo. forget it. I'm thinking it's just a simple return my money please
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