Joomla! Template 002027 - Item Support

Template was updated with built-in jQuery dropdown menu.
Version 1.0.2

Template was updated. Fixed issues with dropdown menu for IE.
I like this template.
Good job AS Templates!!!
A great template!

Thank You, thank you very much.
Спасибо Вам большое за работу. Отличный шаблон, за доступную цену! Уважаю!!!
A great template, but i've got problems.
Anybody knows how to change view the for ”about” or ”positions” in previev?
We are sorry, can you please let us know a little bit more info? What exactly should be changed, on which page, module, position, etc. ?
In preview ”about us” have different layout - ”center” and without position 20 21 and 22. I don't know where in temlate details i can set this layout.
In template features you wrote:
Set 2 column layout (center,right)
We configured to not show these positions on About Us page in Joomla Admin center, here you can find a great tutorial how to work with Joomla modules:
Great looking template but position-0 and 15 don't show up at all and articles edited in TinyMCE or JCE don't look anything like they do in the editor. I mean completely different. I tried contacting these guys for support but the form in Contact Us below does not work and wont submit.
In position-0 is located search module, what you are going to edit there with TinyMCE or JCE editors?
In position-15 we have custom-HTML module with the following code:

Phone: 123 4567 8910

Fax: 123 4567 8911


I tried to install the template, but it appeared the following error message: JInstaller:: Install: Can not find the XML file installation. How should I proceed?
First you should unzip downloaded file, it contains 2 template versions
After installation, all modules are not visible in the template.
Example, submenu and social are not displayed and does not operating.

Why some modules are implemented in the process of installation and some not (positions17, 19,20,22, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 15, 23) ??

Some explanations with the template's installation would be necessary
Joomla template does not come with any demo content. Template is only predefined layout of possible modules positions including the main website graphics like header, logo or footer.

By default, Joomla! installation comes with only the Main Menu module installed. Therefore to make your Joomla! site look like our live demo please, you have to install all necessary modules through the administration section of your site. You may also need to add all the menu items and articles by yourself, or please contact us and ask for our services.

Please see our Terms of Use for more info.

Many thanks
i installed downloaded and installed this great looking template, I see the slider but don't see the other modules. What did I do wrong?
What Joomla version do you have? As well please read the following:

Joomla template does not come with any demo content. Template is only predefined layout of possible modules positions including the main website graphics like header, logo or footer.

By default, Joomla! installation comes with only the Main Menu module installed. Therefore to make your Joomla! site look like our live demo please, you have to install all necessary modules through the administration section of your site. You may also need to add all the menu items and articles by yourself, or please contact us and ask for our services.

Please see our Terms of Use for more info.
I installed 1.7 with sample data. I am interested in purchasing the license, but i want to test it first.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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