Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Hello, I download the new version of template AS2031 but I cannot intall it on my site.
How can I update my old version of this template? I have the version 2.2.0

Thank you in advance.
Thank you very much.
Speed and answer to my question.
Another question:
I want to change the color link in my articles for viewing that it is a link. Actually the links stay black and I cannot find where I can find these default color.
Only in the main body article
Example, I want that this link was in another color and all same tags or links <a target="_blank" href="">poker Texas Hold'em</a>
url for this example:
Actually it appears in black same as other links in this article: Casino
Hello astemDesign3,
Did you try to change it in the template parameters, under 'Links and Buttons', field named 'Link color'? Please let us know.

Regards, AS Team.
I do'nt have link color in my template.
Here that'is the command avaliable:
Buttons and Links
Body hover link color
Header hover link color
Button background color
Button font color
Button hover font color

No link color.
I try the colors for the two first as: body hover link color and Header hover link color
I want to change the link color not the hover.
Thank you.
Hello astemDesign3,
We are checking this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello astemDesign3,
We have updated the template and added additional parameters, please download it from your account and upload the following file via FTP:


Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much.
Speed and acuracy.
I transfer the files by ftp and now I can change the colors for more items.

I appreciate very much that you take the time to update the Template very fast.
Excuse my english,

Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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