001025 - HTML Bootstrap Template

Item Description

Civil Architect is a clean and fully responsive one page HTML Bootstrap template. This one-page HTML template offers a professional overview of your company's profile, it will work for corporate or business sites of any kind, with some quick adjustments it can also work for media, creative agencies, artists, models, etc. websites. It features a clean and minimalist layout that makes the content look clear and organized. The theme offers a clean code that ensures faster loading speeds and higher rankings in search engines.

Reliable is a 100% responsive and cross-browser compatible template built with valid HTML5 and CSS3 standards. It based on solid code and the brand new Bootstrap v3.3. It makes use of modern jQuery and CSS3 techniques to create superb eye-catching animations and make your visitors love you and your website. The template is best suited for websites with minimal content, but allows for more content to be displayed in elegant popups.

Item Features

  • Responsive Layout
  • Bootstrap 3.3.2
  • Minimal one-page scroll design
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • Full page background images
  • PSD Files
  • Alternative sections with different content types
  • Elegant modal popups for more content
  • Bootstrap Components (including tabs, grid system, carousel, modals)
  • Owl Carousel - Image gallery carousel/slider in a popup window
  • Functioning PHP contact form with CAPTCHA
  • All images are under PhotoDune Extended License
  • Well documented with helpful inline source code comments

Pioneer HTML template

Item Name:
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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