Joomla! Template 002037 - Item Support

Hi guys,

i'm having 3 problems. i hope you can help me to sort them out.

first: i edited your sample site to fit my needs, but on one subpage i can't get the "read more" function working properly.
if i click on the "read more" button, the additional text appears, but when clicking on the "close" button, it doesn't close. it just stays at it is...
here is the link:

column "A" called "komfortabler" is where i'm experimenting and can't get it working.

second: is it possible to remove the breadcrumbs function ? if i do so, the lower part of the page moves into the slider position.
if it's not possible to remove it, then maybe you can tell me how to not display the categories in the breadcrumbs field. i'm talking about "Leistungen" right below the company logo, if you click the link above, which i posted above.

third: is it possible to change the font size over the whole homepage ?
it's a bit too small for my needs.

thanks in advance.
Hello QLINK99,
Please provide us with your site url, we have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
i inserted the site url in my previous post...

did you overread it, or do you need access to the backend ?

here you have it again:
Hello QLINK99,

1. We do not see that you have put any links, currently you have:
<a class="right readmore" href="#">READ MORE</a>

you should replace it with something like:
<a class="right readmore" href="">READ MORE</a>

We do not see any CLOSE functionality on your site, have you developed any script? Out template doesn't have such.

2. In the tmpl.header.css file please find the following class (line 46)

padding: 13px 0 0;

and add 'display' property like the following:

display: none;
padding: 13px 0 0;

Regards, AS Team.
the code in the modul is following:

<div class="modtoggle_preview pos12">
<p class="intro"><img class="left" src="templates/as002037/images/ico.a.png" width="42" /> texttexttext</p>
<p class="btn_open right readmore modtoggle pos12">READ MORE</p>
<div class="modtoggle_content pos12"><img class="left" src="templates/as002037/images/ico.a.png" width="42" /> texttexttext and more text
<div class="modtoggle_preview pos12">
<p class="btn_close right readmore modtoggle pos12">CLOSE</p>

i haven't developed a script, i just copied the code from another module, where the "read more" and "close" function works fine.

i also tried your suggestion regarding the tmpl.header.css.

i edited it to the following:

display: none;
padding: 13px 0px 0px 0px;

but it doesn't seem to work. it still shows the category in the breadcrumbs line...
Hello QLINK99,
Please provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel, we have to check this issue. You can put it in your comment, the info will not be published.

Regards, AS Team
Hello QLINK99,
The feature works in positions 12 -15 only, we made some changes please check.

Regards, AS Team.
YEAH ! Thank you so much for fixing it !

It works now ! :)

Breadcrumbs text is also gone :)

so now just one last question:

is it possible to change the font size of the whole homepage ?
i want to make it a bit bigger.

where can i achieve this ?

best greets
Hello QLINK99,
You can do it using the Template Parameters -> General Configuration Parameters -> Content Font Size.

Regards, AS Team.
can you tell me if the template is K2 compatible? Have you had anyone use the K2 extension with this template?

Hi AS Team,

i've got another question.

i inserted a link into the text of the module "intelligentes wohnen".
you can see the link when you click on "weiterlesen" (=read more), it's called "intelligentes Wohnen" too.

is it possible to change the style of this link like you have it on the demo page of the 002037 template in the module "SUCCEED WITH US".

there the color of the text (link) changes from white to orange if you hover over it.

i want to achieve the same effect on my link.
is it also possible to define the "hover color" of the text ?

thanks in advance !
Hello QLINK99,
You can change the color using the Template Parameters -> Header Configuration Parameters -> Custom Modules Row.

Regards, AS Team.
Got it ! Thanks again for your help ! :o)
Firts and foremost the template works as a champ! So much so that we are trying to make some changes. Let me explain. The page is HOME, the modules use location 12 13 14 & 15. This modules have a custom <read more> button. When the button is clicked, they expand to use 100% of the width of the screen, and show the same image that is displayed in the preview on the left side.
this is what we like to do:
1. Eliminate the image from the intro (we can do that easily).
2. Display the image on the left (just like it does now).

Or even better, display two different images! One in the intro, and a diferent one after clicking <read more>. Remember we want to display the image on the left portion of the panel just as it is out of the box.

Is that even possible?

Thanks a lot!


There is no option to put 2 different images, it should be developed, but you can display the image in the toggle panel only.
In the tmpl.custom.css file please add the following class:

#header .row4 .modtoggle_content,
#header .row4 .modtoggle_content .modtoggle_preview
float: left;
width: 100%;

Replace the content of the module with the following:

<div class="modtoggle_preview pos13">
<p class="intro">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eliton. Nulla suscipit porttitor conse ctetur.
Fusce pretium libertos nec felis rhoncus nec faucibus turpis convallis ...
<p class="btn_open left readmore modtoggle pos13">READ MORE</p>

<div class="modtoggle_content pos13">
<img src="images/sampledata/as002037/img.home.ideas.png" border="0" width="167" class="left" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eliton. Nulla suscipit porttitor conse ctetur. Fusce pretium libertos nec felis rhoncus nec faucibus turpis convallis Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eliton. Nulla suscipit porttitor conse ctetur. Fusce pretium libertos nec felis rhoncus nec faucibus turpis convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eliton. Nulla suscipit porttitor conse ctetur. Fusce pretium libertos nec felis rhoncus nec faucibus turpis convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eliton. Nulla suscipit porttitor conse ctetur. Fusce pretium libertos nec felis rhoncus nec faucibus turpis convallis.
<div class="modtoggle_preview pos13">
<p class="btn_close right readmore modtoggle pos13">CLOSE</p>

Regards, AS Team.

Hmmmm... That would work. However, where is the tmpl.custom.css?
Do I have to create it?
Sorry, please put it in Custom CSS area of the template parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
I am sorry...
I do not know what you are talking about... Where is the custom area of the template? Is that a folder? Is that a section on one of the css files?
please see the following page for all template parameters:

Regards, AS Team
Please urgent help can not install template file AS002037_quickstart. What can the have emulate? Have tried it with Windows and Mac but I can not.
Many thanks in advance for your help
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