Joomla! Template 002041 - Item Support

Good morning, it seems that everything is arranged. This template does not fit the iPhone or Android phones? that the other 002,041 that I have if it suits. I've looked at the settings of the template Iphone and Android Layout Layout, and still not come in full screen, I have removed the ban on script, applet, iframe, but still does not fit.
Also I have mentioned in previous post, I need to incorporate the script "<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> " but I can not find where.
Thanks again for your attention.
Hello SHASSA03,

We checked your URL, it looks good in Iphone.

Sorry, we not able provide support to the third party extensions.

For any customization or developing services, please contact us through the servises page :
Hi, I am trying to remove the date and time from the very top of the 002041 template but I cannot find in the admin where to remove it. Can you direct me to the correct place in the admin where I can remove it from the template.



You can find it in templates / as002041 / blocks / top_head.php file.

Just delete or hide current code :

$date =& JFactory::getDate();
echo $date->toFormat() . '' '' ;

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

How i can find module positions in this template?

Template manager in joomla 2,5,9 dont show module positions of this template.

I can find slider in this template.

Can you help me with this problem?

Best Regards,

Hello GYTIS47,

All available module positions you can see here :


put Enable in Template Manager / Options / Preview Module Positions.

Regards, AS Team.

Thank You for Your urgent answer.

I can assign module possitions for this template.

When i want to assign module i can see modules in module manager.
Module manager only show earler template /beez5/ templates module positions.

Can You help me?

Also how i can assign slider module?


Hello GYTIS47,

In Module Manager you can type module position manually.

Regards, AS Team.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!

Best Regards,

Dear Sirs,

can You help me?

Refer Your demo template 002041


How i can make the same? It is very good variant for our web site.

Sorry for this question.

Best Regards,

Hello GYTIS47,

We recommend to install quick start package for see all available functionality of current template.

Regards, AS Team.
I have installed quick start

Hi AS Templates,

Thank you for the quick reply. Your solution worked perfectly. I have one other issue that I need assistance with.

I am trying to remove the

"Welcome to our website. We would like to offer services to home furnishing. Enjoy your time." and the 4 images below it with captions "Bathroom Kitchen Dining Room Living Room"

However after turning off all associated modules and articles These two items still remain.

Can you tell me where I can turn of the text Welcome to our....... and the 4 images below it.

Thank you in advance


You can change type of Home page in Menus - Main Menu - Home.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

I need more place for slider show in position-7.

How i can change dimesions for slide show module in position-7?
I need for ehample 727X484 pixels.

Waiting for Your answer.

Best Regards,

Hello GYTIS47,

Sorry, we not able provide customization servises for free. Please contact us via our servises button with full explanation of your custommization project, and we will send your price for this job.

Thank you for understanding.

Regards, AS Team.
Não estou conseguindo colocar o slideshow. instalo o módulo mas nao aparecem as imagens. Alguém poderia me dar umas dicas de edição este template?

I'm not able to put the slideshow. install the module but not the images appear. Could anyone give me some tips on editing this template?

We recommend to install quick start instalation provided with templ
ate, it will help you understand all available functionality.

Regards, AS Team.

Hello, how can I insert code Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools ?

You can put it in as002041 - blocks - head.php file .

Regards, AS Team.
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