Joomla! Template 002057 - Item Support
You can try to set the botstrap column size under the menu advanced options to 9 columns and the logo size to 3 columns accordingly, the parameter for logo you can find under the template header configurations tab.
Probably you will need to resize your logo image.

Regards, AS Team.
when I changed the bootstrap it leaves a big gap between the logo and the menu bar even after resizing the logo. Now, how can I minimize the gap that I have there.
You still have set the logo size to 4 columns, you have changed it to 3 columns.

Regards, AS Team.
got it thanks
Dear All,

My partner bought a premium template as002057, When I have tried to modify the slider picture, no problem, but the problem is with the following text:

We are
We have
There are

Is there any possibility to delete this text? I hace tried to find out this text in order to delete that....(article manager) but It is impossible....any option in code pages?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Regards, Javier


Sorry, we provide support for the account with purchased item only.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok, I understood....but how We can do it in order to receive your support....what is exactly the information that you need? We have to post with

Thanks, rgds

Sorry, in your case you have to ask support from your partner account.

Thanks for understanding.

Regards, AS Team.

I bought this template which I think is great, however how do you disable the module as-position-7 after clicking the "Read More" links in as-position-6 and as-position-24?

At the moment whenever I click "Read More", the menu contents of as-position-6 appears below as-position-7 making the page look "busy"



Can you please provide us with site URL.

Regards, AS Team.
Install template demo without all the joomla stuff.

I would like to install an my dev server the AS02057 demo to check against this configuration. I don't need all the joomla installation, only a package like this without the content (the template only).
How can I do this ?
Hello OLIVER30,

Please read following article :

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AStemplate,
I cant find the elements/modules/plugins which appeared in the demo, cant get my website it to look alike.
1. The social bar for exemple, is nowhere. I had to used one from another 3rd-party.
2. The slider provided is not working, i had to used one from another 3rd-party
3. The module under the slider is not provided with those fancy icons. I had to used one from another 3rd-party which is not great.
4. Same with rest content of the demo.
I manage only to configure AS Scroller and As menu. The rest parts are missing
My website is here :
Either you provide a full documentation of the template or offer a solution. Now is no diference than the free one. What i have i hd manage to do on the free one is the same in the one bought. Nothing different that i can notice. All the settings are the same. And modules provided from you either dont show up or are missing.
Our suggestion is to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, how i can install quickstart for this template ? If i try install it from Extension Manager this don't work. I have Joomla in my web server.
THe quick-start package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, for more info please see the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I´ve bought the follwing template: 002057 - Regular License but it does not work fine on IE and Firefox. On chrome the logo and slideshow are ok but when I try it On IE and FIreFox the logo gets bigger and the slideshow small.
Can Any one help me with this issue.
Thank You Chico
What is your site url please? We have to see it in case to help you.

Regards, AS Team.
Thans for this. I have one question. Where can I find the exact description of the template. I mean sketched positions of each game are saved boxes and possible items in the template.
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